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Everything posted by Vegaskip

  1. The Schooner watercolour 14” X 10”
  2. Thank you all for taking the time to comment. Jim
  3. The Ship Alice with a couple of inshore fishing boats of a coast. w/C 14” X10” Jim
  4. Norwegian Steamer Anna loaded with Timber in a gale. 1917 she was stopped and boarded by U16 on a voyage from Almeria to Glasgow with Esparto Grass. She was sunk by scuttling, no casualties. W/C 10” X 7”
  5. Ship's Lifeboat.Somewhere. Mid ocean. Any ocean. War or Peace. Remember!. W/C 15” X 11”
  6. Return Cargo Return Convoy. Steamer with a Deck Cargo of timber from Northern Russia. With escorting Corvette. Timber for 'Pit Props', was vital for the coal mines. Coal was essential to fuel the factories and and heat the homes of Britain. The former supply from Scandinavia and the Baltic countries, was no longer available being now occupied by Germany. 14”X10”w/c
  7. I work mostly from photographs. For the old ones I use old paintings or prints from books or the net for reference. I find that you can usually tell which painter has been at sea and which is painting from a description. I must admit I have been tempted to 'do' Trafalgar with a submarine surfacing, or an MTB darting out between a couple of three deckers!. jim
  8. I work mostly from photographs. For the old ones I use old paintings or prints from books or the net for reference. I find that you can usually tell which painter has been at sea and which is painting from a description. I must admit I have been tempted to 'do' Trafalgar with a submarine surfacing, or an MTB darting out between a couple of three deckers!. jim
  9. I don’t alway paint the same way, but here is one painting. (They didn’t come out in the order I posted, but I think you can workout the order.) P&O Liner Ranpura as an Armed Merchant Cruiser escorting a Convoy Jim
  10. Hope Schooner 'Hope' passes a Sailing Trawler somewhere near the Digger Bank W/C 14.5 X 10.5”
  11. It’s supposed to be The Norwegian Ensign about 2.5 X 1.5mm. I think the white cross was still wet when I put the blue cross on it. Can fix it next time the brushes come out!. Jim
  12. The Corvette 'Alisma' encourages this Norwegian tanker on yet another Atlantic Convoy Watercolour 14.5 X 10.5”
  13. Same ship later on. Main Top sail blown out. Jim W/C 10” x 7”
  14. Afternoon Quickie A 'Ship Sloop Of War' and a Cutter on patrol in the Napoleonic era. Watercolour 10” X 7”
  15. Puffer unloading coal on the beach at low tide, in the Highlands and Island of. Scotland. W/C 15” X 11”
  16. RFA Grey Rover Yesterday’s little 'adventure' (goes with the local weather) Grey Rover punching on. W/C 15” X 11” Jim
  17. British India steamer RAJULA at Hong Kong W/C15” X 11’
  18. Task Force Going places. A CVL, CC, two BB's and some DD's roughing it a bit in WW2 w/c 15” X 11”
  19. Know exactly what you mean. I still have the utmost respect and admiration for air crew, especially those who fly Off Carriers. Jim
  20. I envy you! Jim
  21. Hi Ken thanks. RAF..... Yip, I think I’ve heard of then ! Jim ps What were you flying?
  22. Woooosh! FAA Buccaneer in the USA. Exercise Red Flag? (Probably not this a/c but FAA Buccaneers did take part. W/C 15” X 11” Jim
  23. HMCS Sea Cliff checking up on Convoy stragglers. Based on a well known photo of Sea Cliff. W/C 15” X 11”
  24. Lull at Murmansk There must have been periods between raids, but little rest for the cargo handlers. W/C 15” X11”
  25. USS Taurus (AF-25), formerly SS San Benito, was a refrigerated banana boat of the United Fruit Company that may have been the first merchant ship to be built with turbo-electric transmission. From October 1942 to December 1945 she was a United States Navy stores ship in the Pacific Ocean theatre of World War II. W/C 9.5 X 7.5 inches Jim
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