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Everything posted by Vegaskip

  1. Thames Estuary again. 14” x 10” w/c
  2. Pilots,! Think i might need one!
  3. Arctic Echoes was a book made up with about fifty of my convoy related paintings. Printed in Moscow, sponsored by various companies. My wife and I were invited to attend the 75 anniversary celebrations held in Arkhangelsk and St Petersburg, in 2016. Trip of a life time!
  4. To all my friends concerned with keeping the friendships and memories of The Arctic Convoys and what they meant to our countries, fresh in the minds of future generations. Seasons greetings. Health. Wealth. Happiness and always a Fathom below your Keel.
  5. Latest two small pics L ...Birkdale R....Alice w/c 5.75” X 4”
  6. Another mini pic. (5.75” X 4”) HMS Clematis leaving harbour.
  7. Another two small ones, photographed on one of my more usual 16.5“ X 11.75” Herzogin Cecilie and Ocean Angel
  8. Two small paintings this afternoon. Postcard size 5.75” X 3.75” I04 HMCS Annapolis and K113 HMCS Arvida , most enjoyable at this size, watch out for more.
  9. Sorry. Haven’t a clue!. Jim
  10. Schooner iced up. A particular danger in sailing vessels, not just extra top hamper, but running rigging tends to seize up so sails become unmanageable. W/C 16.5” X 11.75”
  11. Balloon Man 2 Convoy assembly area off Southend. Balloons being delivered to ships W/C 16,5” X 10.75” The Royal Air Force had several Balloon Squadrons equipped with truck mounted winches ( some used for launching Gliders in the many Gliding Clubs which were formed post war) They were fitted out with all the equipment for maintainence and gas storage.
  12. Probably the least of their worries Jim
  13. Balloon Man 2 Convoy assembly area off Southend. Balloons being delivered to ships W/C 16,5” X 10.75”
  14. IoW Brig, Schooner & Cutter off the Needles. Out looking for trouble 16.5” X 10.75”
  15. East Coast Convoy assembling off Southend Pier 16”.5 X 10.75”
  16. 'Hants & Dorset' rescue launch doing a pick up. w/c 16” 11”
  17. Slip and Proceed Fairmile Long Range Rescue Launch W/C 14” X10”
  18. Another two pics from Kronstadt. Some Naval Tugs and the Ship that took us from SPB to Kronstadt.
  19. Took this as we approached Kronstadt, one of the entrances in the Breakwater used by the CMBs
  20. A highlight for me was a trip from SPB aboard an RF Navy auxiliary (Navigation Trainer) to Kronstadt! The Mariners Cathedral. But of course I knew something of the history of the place, and about the raid by the CMB'S BY Capt Agar. Even had a friendly discussion about it with an ex soviet Sub, Capt. Who pointed out the various landmarks . Jim
  21. My wife and I were fortunate to be invited to take part in Dervish75. The 75 anniversary of the arrival of the first Convoy to Russia. A week of events in Arkhangelsk and St Petersburg we made quite a few friends, so I wouldn’t be surprised if one turned up at the door. ( don’t know if Auchtermuchty is on Russian Satnavs!!) Jim
  22. The Skipper somewhere on the Thames late 19th Century 16.5” X 11.75”
  23. The thing I like about the model Tanks is that their 'performance' is scale and they an be run almost anywhere and tine. The other thing is, my building days are long gone now, and these come ready to run, but of course I can still get the fun of 'Kit Bashing'. My ones come with Sound, smoke, BB firing ( with recoil) and two with infra red. They can even withstand a 'dusting' by my wife. My painting is my substitute for model ship building, they are very similar.
  24. First was 'locked on' . The second 'Strike,’ Jim
  25. And this is me painting them
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