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Antonio Vasquez

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Everything posted by Antonio Vasquez

  1. This is what I came up with for my amid ship rails. I went with one piece on the top rail because I couldn’t get a piece of styrene cut thin enough. I haven’t had time to paint them yet. Had to go to the hospital and have two stents put in so I’m kind of out of commission for a little bit. Can’t wait to get back working on my ship. Thanks for all the feedback.
  2. Thanks for the ideas. It’s really great to have other minds to bounce ideas off of.
  3. I need to figure a different way of doing these rails. I was sanding the flash off of one as gently as possible and it broke. I knew when I removed the piece from the sprue that those rails were going to get broken. I tried to cut a piece of red oak on my table saw the same size as the top rail. But it didn’t turn out very well. The wood had a large grain and the piece looked really rough when I was done. I wonder if anyone has done these rails a different way?
  4. I am currently working on a plastic USS constitution model. While working on the upper deck I had one of the guns on the Lord gundeck come loose from the deck. The cannon is still glued to his carriage but the entire assembly has come off the deck . Is there any trick to re-gluing the gun back down when you already have the upper deck glued in place?
  5. Bent some wire over a .188 in piece of steel. I used a welding tip cleaner to file a small groove in the rail and then glued the wire in. So far so good.
  6. Too many of those stanchions have broken on me. I’m going to have to find another way to do that maybe some narrow Staples if I can find them.
  7. These stachions are hard to work with, and very fragile as well. I hope there’s a couple extra on the sprue or I am going to be screwed.
  8. I have all the top guns on and tie down now. Currently working on getting the launches and the oars painted and mounted.
  9. Time to start tying lines to the cannons. That may take awhile. I do like working with the rigging lines a lot more than painting.
  10. I broke off a lot of the Belaying pins on my last plastic build. I decided to try to make me a small fife rail to accommodate some 6 mm be laying pins that I ordered. I’m having a very hard time however holding onto and work the small wooden pieces. I don’t want to use small vice grips or my hemostats because I’m afraid of leaving marks on the word. What do you guys who work on wooden models use to grip those small pieces?
  11. I have the main deck on. I thought I would use some of the styrene strips along the sides, so I am transferring the hole locations to the strips as I glue them on. I also picked up some Bondo spot putty for gaps. It worked way better than wood filler.
  12. I am trying to attach the galley stern to the hull. The bottom part by the rudder has about a 1/32” gap so I know it’s not going to glue right. Should I buy some putty or would an epoxy or JB weld work better. I have been using wood filler for uneven spots but I don’t think it’s works well for gaps.
  13. My first try at using an airbrush. Wayyy slower than a spray can, way faster than a brush. I have the knob open on the back all the way I was still getting very little paint out of the tip. I guess I may have to thin it a little more. I’m very pleased with the way came out though.
  14. Thanks for all the feedback, popeye, when you see the cannon balls were stored on both sides of the holds, what are “holds”?
  15. I am working on the gun deck and I can’t help but notice that there are no cannon balls or powder kegs on the deck. The only deck pics I find are pics of the deck in the current time. Am I wrong in assuming these items wouldn’t be close to the guns?
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