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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. Initial status = GM = 9.1 x 5.4 mm : Correction = GM = 10.0 x 7.0 mm (simulation) :
  2. Next step... Drag & drop from another forum editor... The one provided here don't work, except smileys... 😋 The default is now also present on my ancient posts, working as well without problem before
  3. That's I did this morning, dear friends ! En français : Vous le valez bien...! 😋
  4. Using your own, or a furnished soft ? Could you verify the new template's edition ? It seems that default become at the same time of modification of back screen - Before, we can choose different painted works pics, and since that last modification, only one photographical template is provided, and all transparencies effects are removed Without any correction of default, you can understand that I cannot continue my publications, sorry 🤢 Regards
  5. Two other members liked my previous message - Perhaps, the same problem ?
  6. Previous test was done with Firefox (I never change it anything since beginning) Last test done with Microsoft Edge : same problem... As Firefox and Google Chrome use the same Chromium engine, I hav'nt tested Google Chrome
  7. There is any separation between pics of a post, I think that's coming from the new NRG pub insert at down part of page... A pop-up command button would be perhaps more efficient for that function (click hides the form, with permanent choice show/hide)...
  8. Hello, Inefficient tool for pic's publication Why did you change it ? The previous version was OK This is my last post without any change, sorry... Regards, Chris
  9. A good modeller lives at present time, without thinking about next day, he then becomes a Master of Time, walking on a simple path 😋 There is no complication taking right time to do each thing at time...
  10. I prefere keep silence in case such presentation would become the permanent look of forum... Sorry... 🤢
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