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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. This morning, I made my jogging in my confined modeller museum world... Spring sun light enjoy my heart...
  2. Thanks to all followers of my work ! 😋 Quarter deck planking done...
  3. Following on my wood stock, all stores closed because Covid 19, and outdoor deplacements forbidden, except some basic drug-stores & pharmacies 🤧
  4. It looks like the Bartolomeo Dias ship from 1523, length =, 21 m 60, and two masts with latin sails
  5. Next step... Deck part size : 100,0 x 8,0 x 0.5 mm (Real size at scale 1/1 = 10 m x 40 cm)
  6. Miraculous : I found walnut strake 2 x 6 mm, and then, a simulation of result :
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