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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. You think this poll doesn’t make sense, but I believe that the most important for any company is its public image: who is known for quality will live longer than another with poor reputation - Well known Artesania Latina, which went to close, is a good illustration of this hard reality... Regards, Christian
  2. After stormy weather, nice sunlight for the same pics... Fröhliches Wihnachten, as we say in Elsaß ! ☺️
  3. Thanks, Dan (12 000 km from Straßburg, France, to Ludwigsburg, Germany, what a great world... ! 😋) Today test for carlocks : I prefer left all wooden part... The steel makes difficult a very regular built 🤢 What do you think about ?
  4. Today works, next and last step for this Longboat : iron parts for bowsprit, car locks and blade of rudder...
  5. En français : Je sais bien que tout ce que je fais déclenche des raz de marée d'enthousiasme populaire, mais... Est-ce bien nécessaire de "liker" quatorze de mes messages à la file ? A moins d'une touche de clavier défectueuse, je n'en vois pas la raison Un petit message sympa fait tout aussi bien l'affaire en pareil cas Merci, Christian
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