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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. Hi, All deck beams are removable before painting ship Regards, Christian
  2. Hi, Beginning ceiling simple planking and testing quarter gallery before painting all Regards Christian
  3. Hi, Two pics of little progress Stern cut is of mine with hand-saw (Plywood of birch after several attempts missed with laser cut lime tree plywood) And two others for the fun, with summertime sunset light Regards Christian
  4. Hi, I found 1 mm lime tree and I had a stock of walnut 0.5 mm, that gives 1.5 mm to catch up the level of gun desk in great cabin Regards Christian
  5. Hi, My latest : a ground floor all like desk, except length of pieces Such a great cabin floor would be the less expensive project, and most easy of all... Regards
  6. Hi, Final choice is between three versions (look at the joined pics) I have actually any preference... 3rd version is seems "english fashion" else the two others, but probably less visible under numerous desk accessories Regards, Christian
  7. Hi, What do you think about this floor project fot great cabin ? No circular saw, my project can be realised with cutter, even with laser print photo paper, like an ancient painted canvas The checkerred template of the kit don't agree to me : it makes some low cost kitchen effect at my taste... Others ideas ? Regards Christian
  8. Hi, Other side of border line I glue it tomorrow, ending the main desk planking Regards Christian
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