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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. I tested this morning a simulation of the gun's breech line, without success, the result was not realistic Also, I definitely decided to omit the rigging of the guns, which exceeds my modeller abilities
  2. The rudder : The hinges will not be glued, but nailed as in reality I had just experimented successfull the same process for HMS Prince by Constructo...
  3. Testing first sample of twelve pounder cannons : other details are too thin, out my view... 😋
  4. I little straightened the bust and folded the knees of the figurehead, and sketched the bulkhead of the Great Cabin (not yet glued)
  5. Here : John Garcia <jgarcia@modelexpo-online.com> (Address given by Dubz in message March 30)
  6. Larboard second decorative line and port-hinges of the two closed raft-ports
  7. I received yesterday new figurehead, and wooden painted it, and made also with the two break pumps (1st coat)
  8. Hi, dear followers ! I started the brake pumps today : replace manually a round section into an octogonal one was an interesting job ! Pics will follow when finished Thanks all for your comments Cheers, Christian
  9. Hi, dear followers ! I did'nt found any laser cut bolster part Have to do it myself ? Cheers, Christian (Next Monday, 75 years old... Nothing else to do, but to die... 😋)
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