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Everything posted by CRI-CRI

  1. Hi, Ending first side border line Next : the same other side... Regards Christian
  2. Hi, Ending starboard, I glue it tomorrow I must do that very regular, not so easy... Regards, Christian
  3. Hi, My puzzle of thirty pieces At end, one hundred pieces in preview... Last pic : "Percussions de Strasbourg" in concert for this afternoon Regards Christian
  4. Hi, Same cut going at bow and stern after simple reverse Regards Caution : immediate glue forbiden ! Christian
  5. Hi, Basswood or wood of lime tree does'nt like stormy weather with relative humidity from 40% to 60 % in a few hours every day... It's perhaps best for barbecue... Regards, Christian
  6. Salut, J'ai terminé les corrections de hauteur des pavois, préceintes et sabords de la batterie haute de l'arrière, et je lui trouve ainsi un aspect plus élancé malgré la faible diminution de hauteur J'en ai profité pour affiner au reste le haut des allonges, opération difficile avant le démontage Conjointement, continuation du lattage de la batterie principale, où j'arrive symétriquement au contact des bordures (quelle chance !) Amitiés, Christian -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Corrections height of bulwarks, gunports and upper wales back side of Confederacy finished, it gives her a best look At the same time, planking first gun desk has progressed, symetricaly with each merge (I'am a lucky fellow... !) Regards Christian
  7. Hi, Vote results in agreement with my own experience, and also with most of general web opinions In attachment some pics of my Panart and Constructo works, for instance... More modifications than direct using of kits... A best quality could be always the right choice for pleasant modelism ! Regards Christian
  8. Hi Harley, Thanks for your greetings Sheer line was directly coming out laser cut frames : Regards
  9. Hi, The "Checkerboard" floor in Great Cabin is noticed as optional (page 78 into instruction manual) : what's about historic reality of that ? Was it really present as a wooden floor, or only as less expensive painted overground coat ? How could be installed the last cannon at war ? Thanks Regards Christian
  10. Hi, I found any front view of ship What do you think about this beakhead bulkhead project ? Thanks Regards
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