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Aim High 8892

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  1. My first build and im starting the rigging but now i ran into a hurdle....im running the foremast backstays and my diagram does not give a clear picture of what i attach the top of rigging onto?? any info or pics would be great !! Thanks!!
  2. awesome pics. i'm currently building the same model, but i at a stand still with the rigging of the foremast backstays...i'm not sure where they attach on top of the mast?? any input would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks
  3. roger thanks for the advice. I may just leave it like it is with no paint.
  4. this is my first build and i'm trying to figure out the best way to paint the triangles on the mayflower.....I have a airbrush and i'm thinking of taping off the area and then painting it all yellow and taping it off in small triangles.....but what is the best way to tape off the triangles? Thanks. GW
  5. This is my first build, i'm building the mayflower 1620 1:64 scale. What is the best way to paint the yellow and green triangles on this boat? Thanks.
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