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  1. Yes that is what i am refrring to. But to be familiar with the scales , what i wanted to know ,is what scale the ropes are that come in the conine box. There are several bobins of thread in the kit. 4 tan color and a black. There is also a large piece of rope for the anchor, about eight inches long.
  2. Hello all, i am buildings uss connie ...what scale size to use for the breeching lines on the gun carriages. Thank you for your interest.
  3. Looks like maybe 1/8 inches
  4. Hello, I am in the process of preparing to build the heller hms victory 1/100... About the thickness of the evergreen to increase the port hole depth. What thickness should I put.? I have search many builds but no one mentions the thickness of the plastic used.
  5. Hi people... Have returned to model building after a 40 year break. Lots of info here. Started with 18 century long boat to get the feeling back and acquire some tools.
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