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Posts posted by gulfmedic1

  1. Flounder

    Life took priority for a while so I had to take a break. Which was good I was getting frustrated but after following you and hopeful I got a bunch of good ideas and realized I need to slow down and concentrate on the details not the finishing I will be staring back up soon

    Great build and explanations by the way

    Also I found the plans for that dremel table it is great il plan on building it soon

  2. Well all here is another post, first off thanks to all the folks following my build more so thanks to everyone who has given me hints and suggestions they are very welcomed and appreciated. As I tell my son when you are reading pay attention to what you are reading, I need to take my own advice, I missed the part in Chucks instructions that stated to get the keel reduced before getting the hull shaped with the temples so I am kind of backwards right now, at least I caught it before I went to far.


    I have enclosed a pic of where I am, I tried very hard to do it the way Chuck suggested with the red and blue lines but I had a lot of problems finding center, so I used a trick I saw on another post and used the 1/8th x 1/8th strip of wood as a reference and pinned it to the keel. (red circle 1) if you will notice on that same spot I think my keel is not exactly flat the strip of wood seems to be slanted also I noticed that it seem that in different spots there was more to shave off of one side in comparison to the other.


    Also reference point #2 you will see where I came up with my centerline, I basically did some measuring down the stern post and came up with a center. I tried to use the drawn plans but can see to figure out if I was getting the right spot on the plans


    reference mark #3 shows the curve at the top of the stern post, I assume this will be squared off when I trim down to the 1/8th size.


    please take a look at the picture and let me know if I am on the right track.





    thank you very much for the information about measuring and getting everything square (so to speak) unfortunately my dilemma is (and maybe I am overthinking) I don’t understand how to get these measurements since the entire body of the boat is not set to spec yet. If I measure from bow to midship, the bulwarks are not at the required with so wouldn’t that throw off the numbers, same with measuring port to starboard with the bulwarks.


    As stated earlier thanks everyone for the help, I am truely enjoying this build



  3. Well I have gotten the midship templet all done and it feels great I am now working on number six templet but I am having some issues. I notice there is a little hump by the top rail so I am working to get that then trying to get the whole templet set in.

    I have put in about 5 hours total on the project, not sure if thats a lot of time or normal lol but this is where I stand any little hints are greatly appreciated.



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