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John Ruy

NRG Member
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  1. John Ruy's post in Fishing Dories was marked as the answer   
    Could the issue be as simple as measuring the bottom of the Dory rather than the rail stem to stern?

    Measuring the bottom at 2.75 inches and dividing that by .1875 (3/16” = 1’) I get 14.66666 Feet as the length of the Dory as drawn. 
    Just a thought…
  2. John Ruy's post in Cowl Ventilation Corsaro II was marked as the answer   
    Ordered Cowl Ventilators from Bluejacket and began building Dorade Boxes. 

    These should look much more appropriate. Here is the Ventilator look I am going for…

    4 of 6 Dorade boxes are built…

    Here is a link to my Build Log. 
    I am always looking for advice, if you are interested in following along please check It out. 😎
  3. John Ruy's post in Tips for Uploading pictures (iPhone Users) was marked as the answer   
    I have been on MSW for just over 2 years now and have been using my iPhone for access to the site and posting pictures to my build logs and the gallery without any issues.
    Until lately, when my pictures started uploading rotated sideways by 90 degrees. In searching for a solution to this issue I have discovered my older photos were posting properly, it was my recent photos that were being rotated improperly. 
    I found that if I resize those photos to a landscape aspect ratio, they will upload properly. Also, if I take the photo with the iPhone sideways (landscape) I can upload directly without having to edit the photo. 
    Obviously 🙄 Apple 🍎 has changed their software AGAIN!!!!  
    The above processes are a good work around for now. Who knows when Apple will change something again. 
    Hope this tip is helpful to you all who might be transferring your photos to a PC or MAC. It’s much easier to keep it all on one device. 
    example iPhone uploads


    Cheers 🍻 

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