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About marius

  • Birthday 11/29/1938

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  • Location
    Botriver nr. Cape Town South Africa
  • Interests
    Wine making, Beer brewing, modelling

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  1. Paddy you will always do a neater job than me because you have patience Marius
  2. What a nice build!!! makes me take a very critical relook at mine. I think you should do the full Triton. I do not think you are older than me and I am going to attempt it no matter what. Marius
  3. Purple heart. The giveaway is that after a year or two it turns brown When you cut it it turns purple again. I recently made the coamings on my Triton X-section from this wood. Photos can be deceiving but I put my money on purple heart. marius
  4. Thanks guys . Grant: The problem is that by the time the drawplate reaches S.A. It costs a fortune plus there is a good chance that it will disappear once it reaches our shores. It is so nice to sit in front of my desk looking at the triton and reading all the accolades. I really enjoyed this build. Nice plan.. nice support. I have decide that I like the Triton so much that I am going for the full model. One of the spin offs of this build is that it made me build tools and jigs which I will be able to use for future builds. Got to go and make a big fire now . We have an extremely wet and cold spell here in the western Cape in South Africa. Keeps me out of the workshop. Summer will be wit us soon though. Good luck with your projects . Marius
  5. Here it is warts and all but it is mine. I have decided to wait until I get a decent drawplate before doing any further trenailing. I do not like the results using filler.......very uneven Sofar my search for it has not been very successfull. I have learned so much during this build and it has given me a lot of confidence for future builds. Pure enjoyment I will however carry on filling the hold with barrels and rope etc. and will post the results. Thanks to everybody who contributed with advice and encouragement Special thanks to the team who made this project available to us. Very nice and clear drawings and It was free!! That is very much appreciated by people living in countries like mine where the difference in exchange rates make dollar purchases of quality plans impossibly expensive and puts the hobby out of reach for a lot of us. Here are some photos of what she looks like now. Please padon the quality of the fotos
  6. Looking very good Paddy. Using a wide scraper and using it as straight edge makes alot of sense. Will use my scraper on next build. marius
  7. Thanks guys for the comments. I just have to turn the gun barrelss and then I can finish. Will most probably turn some casks to store in the hold just to make it interesting marius
  8. Where would gunners keep their cannon Balls handy on the Gun Deck onTriton? marius
  9. Hi Paddy Full of mistakes but I am learning. Used flattened electrical conduit wire for the brackets. Tried silver soldering with a blowpipe but gave it up. Eventually settled for soft solder and soldering iron. Seems to be holding up well. Epoxy did not work with te copper. CA seems to do the job. Thr grating was un uphill battle. I eventually built a mini saw fro a CD Rom case and my Dremel ( Got he idea from Thanasis. After a few teething troubles I got a reasonable grating. Would like the grooves a shade wider but was limited to using 2 dremel blades. The cannon is just fixed temporarily. Getting close to the end of the build now and really enjoyed it. Might just tackle the full build. marius
  10. Sorry I have been quiet for quite a while for various reasons.. Have been busy though but could not record my progress, Will try to upload tomorrow. Question: Where did the gun crew keep their shot on deck? I do not see any cannon balls on any of the build logs. marius
  11. Thanks Bob I got myself some dark Brummer filler today. It is water based but sets hard. Tried it and it seems to work fine.
  12. Thank you for the comments gentlemen. Grant Embuya/embuia/imbuia is also called Brazilian walnut. Beautiful dense wood. With sharp tools on the lathe you do not need sandpaper. the bonus is the spicy smell emanating from it when you work the wood. It is a very dark chocolate brown. and was very popular as furniture wood and used in combination with with S. African Yellowwood. Sadly Embuia trees are among the threatened species I know Yarrah. It was used extensively as railway sleepers here. and you can buy the old sleepers as they are being replaced by concrete sleepers or just dug out by the scavenging hordes. Beautiful tables are made from these but unfortunately most of the sleepers have been treated with creosote (preservative) which discolors the wood. (Americans please note I spelled Discolors in American...learning the language LOL) Joss I agree cutting to shape is the most accurate way. I read somewhere on the site about bending a wide plank to shape and only then cut the individual beams from the plank. Rusty I am going to try the fake treenails . Just have to get some dark filler when going to town( Living on a farm) Paddy Had a look at your build today . You are doing a very neat job. You seem to have a lot of patience which I unfortunately lack although I have plenty of time.
  13. Thanks for the comment Ron. I envy you the availability of tools etc. but it makes me more innovative and that is part of the hobby. I am sure now that I was too much in a hurry and should have done a longer soaking. I will just have to live with it. Problem is that I have already bent the Gun deck beams the same way. If I try to correct them it will not look right marius
  14. Thanks Rocker Paddy thanks for your input. Will try the fake treenails with some filler that is for sale here. Marius.
  15. Duplicated one photo. Replaced it with the correct one marius
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