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About dnevin

  • Birthday 09/30/1935

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  • Location
    Niceville, Florida
  • Interests
    Ship models, Astronomy, Physics

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  1. Thank you for your input. I have already used your suggested method and I am so proud of the results. On to the next ones (fearless).
  2. I thank everyone who has helped me on this. I think I was (as usual) overthinking the issue. I will guide myself forward with your thoughtful replies. Thanks!
  3. Crows feet. Sorry all but I forgot the name and could not find a reference in my books on rigging.
  4. I am having trouble creating even tension on the spider lines from the trestle tree to the main topmast stay. Any advice will be appreciated.
  5. Hi all, the model I am working on is a Mantua Model Art. 776 at a scale of 1;98. thanks for all of the help. dnevin
  6. Thanks, I have planked so I will try the Dremel and then use black paint inside to mask the bulkhead.
  7. I am working on the HMS Victory and find that bulkheads interfear with the gun port location in several places, especially on the second deck. What should I do in order to mount the half cannons? Help please.
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