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Everything posted by Gremreeper1967

  1. I am looking for recommendations for my next kit. I want it to be historically accurate, intermediate level and good instructions.
  2. Here's the latest on my build. Building the masts is right around the corner.
  3. Not only did I forget that part but I didn't paint the rudder. I appreciate your pointing that out. Thank you greatly.
  4. That's where the line was when I marked it off. After looking at the pictures, it does look a bit narrow. Thanks for the tip.
  5. I had to make my own ballard's. 6mm tall and a tight .010 tolerance with a have drill and files. Who needs a lathe. Lol
  6. Planking is complete with the exception of a few touch ups. I do have one issue however. The last picture shows what needs to be fixed. According to the plans, it is above the water line but I don't have any measurements for the water line. I'm measuring off of the actual size plan. Any ideas as to what to do with this area?
  7. Edward, thank you but they are not quite as tight as I wanted in some spots.
  8. Snowy, we started watching our grand daughter since the closed the day care so I don't get to work on it quite as much right now. She is two and I did have her helping me drill some holes the other day. She is going to catch the bus real early, lol.
  9. One side planked and lightly sanded, ready for a coat of clear. Now to finish the other side.
  10. It's not pretty but I won't make the same mistakes again.
  11. One side almost completly planked, second about half way.
  12. One side almost completely planked. The other side is half way.
  13. Bob Cleek, thank you for the info, it had been helpful and appreciated.
  14. Mtaylor, I tried that yesterday but I was a bit frustrated so I will give it another go.
  15. Bob Clerk, how would you spile a 4mm plank? Are you referring to the tapering to the widths calculated for each station?
  16. VTHokiEE, I'm not exactly sure what type of wood it is. There is nothing in the plans with that info. The taper is just 1mm. I tried soaking the pieces for about 20 minutes but ended up breaking another one. I'm about at my wit's end. I have attached a close up of the wood, maybe someone knows what kind it is.
  17. VTHokiEE, That is the process I am using. My plans are. 5mm x 4mm and I am unable to get the bed needed.
  18. Beef Wellington, the soaking and trying to bend across it's self is how I normally plank as needed. This is my first opportunity to use such a thin plank and may be over nervous. Thank you and Captain Poison for the advice.
  19. Captain Poison, I am currently using the fan to Mark the plank widths down the length of the hull but I have a vertical, for lack of better words, bend at the arrow and that is where they are breaking due to the bowing.
  20. I have attached two pictures; on showing where I am at now and the problem I have. The second picture shows what I am thinking about doing. Basically my problem is bending the .5mm strips so much and not breaking them. Any suggestions, ideas or comments are welcome.
  21. Snowy, was thinking no sails but the wife said I had to do sails so she gets to make them.
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