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  1. All these boats look different from each other color wise. The only thing they all have in common is the white triangle up front so I did too. I did what I did before and marked and taped it up very carefully and then sprayed white paint onto it. Same brand one is supposed to use which I did. Unfortunately the white spray paint came up much thicker than the gray and red. So I let it cure and sanded it off for a second attempt. But just in case I bought another can with the same off white color in case the first can was bad. Same bad result even with the new can. So I sanded it off again and sprayed some white paint into a plastic cup and used it for an application with a brush. I also applied the registration which I might redo also.
  2. Here it is after all the paint cured, still without the white stripe and triangle up front.
  3. I decided to give it a red(ish) color. I used rattle cans. (Rustoleum). The first is the primer, then the gray for the below waterline area and then the red. These pics were taken a couple weeks apart from each other because the paint had to cure. I made a mistake and didn’t let the paint completely cure and when I took of the masking tape it took part of the gray paint with it. So I had to redo it.
  4. This is the box it came in. You can see a picture of the completed model on top of the box.
  5. I started my Fishing Cutter Tön 12 a couple months ago. But I’ve become a member only a couple days ago so I’ll post the pics I took before that. This is a North Sea german coastal fishing cutter which are quite numerous along the german North Sea coast. Tön 12 means it’s based in the town of Tönning and registered as the 12th vessel there. It’s name is Krabbe, german for Crab. Its nets are specialized for shrimp. The models hull is made of abs I believe and the deck and deck structures are made of wood and plastic. It’s also made for RC operation but it’s not the main reason I got it. I just like the looks but I’ll install RC components nevertheless. This model kit is available since 1973 going through several revisions since. Graupner recently went out of business and I decided to build it before it disappears from the market. I will not call it Krabbe and will not designate the Tön 12 registration. Mine is based in Bremerhaven (ABh) and is the 3rd coastal fishing vessel registered there. I was researching on the internet and there are only 2 coastal fishing vessels registered in Bremerhaven hence mine #3. I still don’t know what name I’ll choose though. Here is a photo of the kit and most of its components.
  6. Yes, I’ll look at the mast and rigging sub forum. Lots of info for sure. I have to take more pics from now on to start a building log. Thank you Allen and Mark!
  7. After along time I decided to start building ship models again. My skill levels need some waking up and tlc. To test my skills, patience and tenacity to stay with a project even when I run into problems and difficulty I started with the Graupner Tön 12 Shrimping Cutter, scale 1:25. It’s a fishing boat very common on the coast of northern Germany ( North Sea). I am about two thirds into the built and I love it. This kit has been on the market since 1973 with periodic revisions, not always for the best imho. It’s so common it’s the VW Beetle of ship model kits. Graupner recently went out of business and so I decided to built this one before it disappears. Yes, it’s a rc model but it will mostly sit on the shelf. There are things I don’t like though. An example is the thin rigging and chains which look like out of somebody’s jewelry box. My question is what is the correct rigging size for a 1950s to 1980s Era fishing cutter scale 1:25? Thank you, Michael
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