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About xodar461

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  1. I'd be game for the Thermopylae kit, and think that twice the postage would help compensate for the trouble of shipping.  I'm located between Philadelphia and Reading PA, and USPS would be fine.  You can e-mail me:   johnsymborski@aol.com  with instructions to buy the kit 'as is'.  Of course there will be TLC needed to build her.

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    2. Snug Harbor Johnny

      Snug Harbor Johnny

        I intend to do a log, and there are a few ideas cooking already.  For one thing, most recognize that the Revell Thermopylae in many aspects is made from the Cutty Sark molds.  There should have been an 'Aberdeen bow' (as opposed to the relative sharp angle of the Cutty), and the angle of the stern went way out further (opposed to the Cutty's sharp change of angle).  I could go on, and the kind of modifications to make the plastic hull of conform to known pictures and models of Thermopylae are complicated.  The other course would be to so a scratch wooden hull, install the plastic deck as a 'false' deck (so the masts, and pother gear can cement properly) then planking over the plastic deck with thin veneer strips.  It would be a shame to loose all the great detail in the copper (or Munsey metal) sheathing - so a 'hybrid' approach is possible ... The lower part of the plastic hull could be used (with the bow attached and fitted with an internal wood skeleton that would be planked down to the sheathing.  The plastic false decks could still be used (with modifications) and still be covered in thin wood veneer planking.  Many of the fittings are usable from the kit, but some of the spars and upper masts could be re-done in wood - like some of the nicer kit busts.  I have a lot to sort out, and also a wood kit to finish.  Johnny

    3. xodar461


      Sounds complicated.  Good luck and I will follow with interest.  I saw you Vasa log.  That's going to be a challenge too!



    4. Snug Harbor Johnny

      Snug Harbor Johnny

      Thanks for checking out the Wasa log.  I just repaired an internal gun mount for one of the brass half-cannons that removing the forecastle deck made accessible (no post on this latest repair).  I'm optimistic that I'll be able to do the original Wasa justice in a 'reasonably' done version ... no museum piece, to be sure - but enough to satisfy myself.  Thermopylae will take more thought before doing anything.  Perhaps building the 1:150 Academy plastic model of Cutty Sark (I got one this past Christmas) may give me more insights.  I saw a build log for it on this forum, and was taken by the fact that this version is molded with the studding sail booms out.  The somewhat reduced scale of 1:150 (17" hull) on the kit means that I could make cloth sails using the thin plastic ones as 'molds' to drape fine cloth treated with dilute white glue, then set them all on a model where the width of all sails set wouldn't be TOO wide, as they might well for a 1"96 scale model.  Odd thing is, that the builder who did the log detached the studding sail booms and moved them inward to glue in the retracted mode.  He could have more easily built the 1:130 version available that has the booms in as molded.  At 1:150, I plan to use seed beads as blocks (1mm ?) and 2mm beads as deadeyes.  Fair sailing, mate !  Johnny

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