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About mauryd824

  • Birthday 08/24/1933

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    Model rr—g scale, and ho. RC boats—tugs

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  1. Building Arkit Uncle Sam Tug. Fairly simple hull lines, but kit offers only minimal instruction on planking.( which I have never tried before) Have looked at tutorials here and the job seem quite complex. Test fitting of planks gives me pause about results I can achieve. would it be foolish to employ monocoque construction technique regularly used by model aircraft builders? . This would involve roughly fitting various size balsa plates to the forms, filling gaps and easily sanding to desired form — and then laying covering material ( in the case of the tug, mahogany planks) over the completed form. I have done this on airplane models. It is quick and easy and satisfactory, and @age 86, I am looking for that. eureka, or crazy?
  2. Am fairly experienced modeler, but never tried planking of model boat. Bought a Arkit Uncle Sam 1849 tug kit. Co is now defunct. Instructions re planking are minimal—- one sentence. Imply process not as elaborate as shown in tutorials on subject shown here. any suggestions about how to proceed? Is there a builder’s log available?
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