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Everything posted by achuck49

  1. hello group In a week or two I will start work on a Bi-Centennial version of the Constitution produced by Scientific. It is a solid hull model. It is my plan to construct it as closely as possible in the same manner as would a builder would have then. Is a solid hull worthy of hard drive space? Thanks for your consideration. Chuck
  2. wow Thanks!!!!
  3. My newest brain rattler is the amount of space between deadeyes. Do the newer blueprints state this exactly and I am overlooking it? When working on small, very old and simple models (I give them to grandkids and neighborhood kids so the turn-around has to be fast) there will be an illustration and sometimes a drawing of knots but no specific length of rope between the two. Is there some "code" based on the scale of the model that would help me be a little bit more accurate? If it is based on appearance alone, that is just fine too. The same question applies to the amount of rope that should extend past the individual deadeye when attaching it to nearly anything. Again, the illustration shows the rope encircling the deadeye, this rope and tied with various knots but no specific lengths. Chuck
  4. Can someone explain to me why masts and spars were/are tapered in the first place? Couldn't a builder just find a piece of wood that was the correct diameter and use that instead of going through the expense and trouble of tapering that same piece? Just an idle question that keeps rattling around in my head. Chuck Aldrich
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