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Melissa T.

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About Melissa T.

  • Birthday December 19

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  • Location
    Saratoga Springs, NY
  • Interests
    History, focusing on both the ancient world and the early modern period. Amateur astronomy.

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  1. This is on my radar screen as a future project, though I don’t think my skills are quite up to this level just yet. This Victory looks to me like a three to five year project - I’m in once I have a bit more experience!
  2. See my general (not specific) thoughts on this topic at:
  3. Where did you get this? Is she a kit of some sort? I want one!
  4. Thank you everyone for your very kind comments! Taking a short break before starting my next project - the Corel Half Moon kit.
  5. Still awaiting some deck cleats and a winch, but I’m declaring it FINISHED!!!
  6. Life got busy these past few months, and I got away from posting on my build log. Progress on the boat however has been slow but steady and I’m about 90-95% finished at this point. Mostly some detailed deck fittings remain. Question to any of you who may know something about these boats - What are the two structures on the picture of the actual boat from 1945 that I have pointed at with red arrows? The one on top of the crows nest looks like it might be some kind of antenna, but nothing I’m familiar with. I also have no idea what the cylindrical object on the starboard side of the pilot house is. No closer up photos exist (and of course neither object is on the plans). Any ideas appreciated.
  7. Work proceeds steadily, albeit very slowly. Hull and deck painting are complete, for which I did a lot of research on paint colors used in the CBI. Can’t say I enjoy using an airbrush, but it’s necessary for this kind of project. The superstructure is next, which will be extremely challenging (for me, at least) due to its many angles and curved surfaces. Working on the .50 cal gun tubs now, for which I used a couple of PVC couplings in the right size as a mold to bend 1/64” plywood around. I have found it is difficult for me to envision the two dimensional plans and photos as a three dimensional object, so I have adopted as a best practice making everything in card stock first to see how it looks and fits before cutting any wood. Onward!
  8. Traveling quite a bit last month, so not too much progress though the hull is now complete with rub strakes, rudders, etc. Turning attention now to deck and pilot house.
  9. Thanks Roger, and thanks for the recommendation of Durham’s putty. I had never heard of the stuff. I like that I can apply it with my fingertips and that the excess sands off easily.
  10. Interesting, and I may try that! Here’s where I am right now, after four coats of Rust-oleum automotive primer and a lot of sanding. I used the Durham’s water putty to fill cracks, etc, which was an excellent suggestion. Have also drilled a few holes for exhaust and bilge. Traveling for the next couple of weeks, so I won’t get back to it until late in the month.
  11. Basic hull is mostly complete, minus some more sanding down to 600 grit and the rub strakes that I still have to make. Amazingly, it actually matches when I lay it on top of the plans, so I’m happy with it! Someone in previous posts mentioned using shellac, and I wanted to ask about that. What shellac, or other product, could I use to seal this hull and fill any remaining cracks in the wood grain? I would want to be able to sand again after applying this product, and then ultimately airbrush with an acrylic primer and then paint. Thanks in advance! Melissa
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