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Everything posted by Pirate

  1. thank you for this log. I will be building this kit when I get out of the hospital
  2. I will go with the library, no way can I afford a 200 dollar book. I would pay for the information I need just not a whole book
  3. I am trying to research arming and fitting of English ships of war an all I can get are sales sites nothing textual what am I doing wrong
  4. was going t buy a kit but then they all jumped up i n price ten dis appeared now I still don't see hem much, so I bought the one I amdoing now
  5. Hi I have plastic with little satisfaction so am trying wood i am a woodworker so this will be different
  6. hi. I want to build a carronade from the 17000s-18.00s but all I can find is general information. any body have any ideas thanks Mike
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