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Posts posted by ForMud

  1. Been lurking around here for the past couple of weeks, figured I should register and say hello.

    I've done a couple of kits in the late 90s and early 2000s after an motorcycle accident left me home for a year recouping. I needed something to keep my mind sharp....Mental therapy to go along with my physical therapy....Model ship building fit the bill perfectly.

    I started and finished the Bluenose II by Artesania Latina. Then moved onto the Constellation by the same manufacturer. Then I lost interest for various reasons.

    Fastforward to the present day. A couple of months ago I finished my rock crawling truck that I've been upgrading for the last 20 years. It was really a big scratch built metal/welding model of sorts. 

    Now with that done with that, I need something to keep my mind and hands busy....So I decided to get back into wooden ships part time.

    Last week I ordered the Rattlesnake by Model Shipways. Got all my old tools and books out.....One thing I did need to get was a lighted 8x magnifying glass as my 58 years eyes aren't what they used to be. 

    Now I know what little skills I had are a bit rusty......Ok a lot rusty....But I'm looking forward to the challenge.

    I'm going into this knowing that it's going to be long term project with a lot less time to work on things.

    Anyway I need to apologize in advance for all the dumb question I'm sure to ask in the future......I promise I'll try to use the search button first.  Wish me luck.


    Thanks, Julian  


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