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Posts posted by Glomar

  1. Thanks for the insight everyone!!! I am going to try and do what Roger suggested and scrap the glue away/restain (I do appreciate having a nuclear option as well!) If not, I will probably going with Rylands and Jaegers advice on repainting. 

    Do I need to worry about the areas that are already stained getting darker if I try and restain the spotty areas after scrapping off the glue? Should I try to be careful on re staining just the affected areas or does it not matter? 

    I tested the stain on the building board but that was flatter surface and I did not even realize that glue could be absorbed in to the wood like that. I kind of came into these models with little to no relevant experience so I am certainly learning alot! I REALLY appreciate all your advise and encouragement and I will let you all know how it turns out!  

  2. Hi All! 

    I am currently building model expos Norwegian Sailing Pram and I tried to stain the interior of the boat using MinWax Golden Oak. I didn't use a pre-stain but sanded and clean the interior. The result were super blotchy though and there seem to be areas of which refuse to take on any kind of stain. I did a practice run on the building board which came out great but I think my mistake was trying to stain the inside of the hull after it was already built. 

    1) Would another coat be helpful or are there ways to even it out? 


    2) Are there was to cover the areas that did not take the stain? 

    3) Could I use acrylic paint to go over it if I am unable to clean it up? 

    This is my 2nd model and first time staining so I really appreciate any advice! I actually think I have been able to do a good job putting the model together up until this point so would be super grateful on any help in salvaging this




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