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Everything posted by Valkyrja68

  1. Yeah but that's just because y'all smoke too much reefer...
  2. Hey friend!! I live in midtown but I grew up on 37th ❤️ Small world huh
  3. I am not going to claim superiority over those veterans of model ship building..but...I was a seamstress and there are a LOT of fabrics that have come a long way-especially synthetic options. And there are also special invisible stitches one could use short of just gluing them (which is the tack I was leaning toward). I'm determined to catalogue them for posterity and options for those who are interested. I'm not at all saying that you are wrong in the use or look of silkspan, I'm just saying that it is a statistical impossibility that silkspan is the ONLY material of its ilk that would look scale appropriate.
  4. @wefalck Thank you for your suggestions! I think the mesh I posted is adequate scale for the model from my research and math calculations. I agree for the most part on sails but I don't like the look of paper, and especially it's general lack of archival properties. But correct me if I'm wrong, isn't silkspan just an alternative to actual silk? I have found some potential alternatives that I have on hand. One is a Japanese pressed tissue (for use under fried tempura food) it is made to absorb oil without turning to nasty pulp and has the same properties as I've read silkspan has (cross weave?) Fiber construction that resists tearing; thin almost* tissue paper like cream colored appearance; absorption properties that will take glue and paint and water. I have silk georgette fabric that I think may be the right choice (for fabric) similar to chiffon but less transparent, it has a very fine almost invisible weave, but I don't know if I have enough. Lastly I have a fine batiste fabric that has a crinkly temperament that I think would go well, it may be a tad thicker than ideal but still workable. I was going to do a little show and tell but I got caught up in my running rigging...such an ordeal I swear!! More to follow.
  5. This is not reassuring! I'm lucky if I have 30 years 😂. I am a true believer that you never stop learning, so that's no big deal. But I do want a notable model in my lifetime....I better get going on my studies! Haha
  6. So I'm looking at the use of different fabrics for use as netting, sails and hammocks that are what I think may look decent, please take a look at my build log and weigh in. I have tuille, lace, slip, linen, and more- detailed with size references.
  7. So I'm tossing around ideas on fabrics for boarding netting/taffrail netting, sails, and hammocks in regard to scale, and realism. I may end up using paper for the sails/sheets in particular but I'd love for some feedback on the topic. Which is closest? I'm using the provided Revell figures and graph paper for size reference.
  8. @Dearborn Ooh that sounds advanced haha! I will try to figure that out. USS Constitution by Valkyrja - Revell - 1:96 scale - 1978 kit ?
  9. Captain's log: Changing tack completely, Long necessary story for posterity to ensue. Backstory. When I started this build years ago now, I had been a ship's mate in the Virgin Islands, I found this Revell kit at the goodwill along with the Cutty Sark, and purchased them both for $40! As I stated previously I had no modeling experience, no supplies, tools etc. but I knew this was going to be a great ship to build. I spent a little bit of time on it here and there over a couple years but I never really thought to do anything to it other than tackle it...and then (at the dread rigging) it sat in my closet. Since then I have taken up all sorts of hobbies and skills including 1:12 scale architectural models. At the time I had figured that the Revell Constitution was an fine accurate representation, and did not bother to research (why?). I had no real plans to improve upon it, being as it was plastic. Now after all of that I have taken it out of the graveyard section of drydock and reappraised. Now to give Revell its credit, it IS a fine model, in fact compared to other popular models I have seen, for a cheaper version, it is dang near spectacular. Part of that is due to the era (70's), when our commodities were still made well. But in light all the research I have been accumulating, which is how I came to be here, there are quite a few modifications I would have done, that I cannot now, because she's all glued tight together. So it is within my judgment to continue and finish her as a sort of decked out fantastical frigate that may or may not resemble the Constitution when I am finished. The reason for this is simply so that I can use this model as technique practice for additions and upgrades I plan to make on the Cutty Sark. There are some very good things I did such as razor away seam lines and cut off sloppy edges, carefully lay my ropes and glue them down. But there are a lot of shortcuts, too many to warrant taking apart. It is part of my rash nature to come in hot barrel into things and then adjust course, I will never win the Americas cup.... I will most likely get my hands on another and revisit the constitution but as it stands now I will document what I am doing, what worked and what failed for myself and others who may find something of use. I hope this is the point of these build logs but one has already stated they are impatient and rash. Only progress to this end will follow
  10. @Gregory I've decided to update my captains log (build log?) we're changing tack.
  11. Ahhh I see now! Well, that's fine. I have Vellum as one suggested. Not being a ship modeler I thought that this cloth looked more like sails than the stiff plastic the kit came with, and I don't have silkspan to accomplish the look that Lauria demonstrates. All in all I purchased this kit before I had done any research on model building and was just excited to put all the little pieces together. Had I known then what I know now- I would have made all manner of customizations and alterations- but it's just going to be a standard beginner kit construction at this point as it's 90% done and welded. So basically I'm not terribly particular about it, but in making it and then re-searching I now have a very good idea of what I am going to do on the next one. Which will be the Cutty Sark that was purchased at the same time. 😃
  12. Ok, I wasn't going to do it, but I'm going to do it. I have the impatient habit of asking for something before looking because 8 times out of 10 someone can tell me exactly where it is without me wasting time. But I DO realize that sometimes I could have found it just as easily.
    Well- In the sink or swim category I am flailing. I'm in need of a hot and fast tutorial on how best to navigate this forum. I know the information I want is on here, I just don't know how to get to it. I am also mobile and that may have something to do with it.
    Current issues: when I use the search for say "USS Constitution Resources" which I know for a fact without seeing a single one, are in glut here...it comes up with 500000 matches- that match to each word, when I narrow it to topic-0 results, when I widen it to phrase, I get the same as the first.
    Summary: what is the best way to search for something specific without being so specific that it rules it out? 

    Questions: I suppose I should first ask, does this site have a resource list anywhere for doing our own research? Or is that too vast a category to be of its own, and we should search build logs for others' research?

  13. Love it! That's my kinda analogy. I am having a hard time navigating this site for sure. There are fathoms of interesting and sidetracking info on here but when I do a direct search it's filled with everything I don't want. Right now I'm attempting to look up making sheets/sails of cloth. I've found some on paper and some on plastic but nothing yet on cloth that helps me...the search continues
  14. I'm sorry for your loss. I have not yet the courage or research to take on a diy build, but I am working on a U.S.S. Constitution kit and I am a woodworker and miniaturist and would be happy to contribute if you see fit to need help with anything.
  15. I just did 😈. I had to bite the bullet and pull it apart but....hot poker, jewelry pins, a wire cutter and some glue. Need to paint still.
  16. Not that hard to choose, not many drengr's anymore. But I digress, thank you. I did read this, how they are allowed to sell beats me -but you just need to look at the maker then I surmise? I can do that.
  17. Rad! Yes I'm a pretty good problem solver, but not the best "looker" or maybe I should say "finder" thanks for the links
  18. Captains log: I was able to salvage a few of the broken stanchions, but some are missing and I have no idea how to compensate for this. Any ideas or experience would be helpful, until then I am going to sift the site for help.
  19. Thanks friend! I did read the posting title criteria but promptly forgot it after I brought it up, and then was afraid to hit the back button. New to forums in general so I'm in the learning curve. I'm trying to read as much of the site info as applicable to avoid being a nuisance but...well that's unavoidable really.
  20. Update 2. Found how to add a build log and posted progress, will some brave and bored soul with nothing better to do, foster this greenhorn so that I may harass you for the next unforeseeable length of time for help? Sounds like a good deal am I right? 😂 I am already in a bind trying to figure out how to fix the unbelievably tiny and delicate stanchions that broke upon treacherous waters of my closet.
  21. Started weathering (painting) and fixing broken sections from when it was dropped in my closet as the red-headed step-child.
  22. Will do, thanks! My current build is a vintage Revell Constitution that I opened myself so I know it's bueno. 👌🏽
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