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About Srenner

  • Birthday December 20

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  1. I love rigging ships! But it is fiddly work. Been working on the spirit sail yard area and taking direction from lee's book for 1720 following as much as i can. Decision point coming up.. unclear if grethound had a outer topmast preventer stay and if that had a block and tackle the same as the inner stay after passing the bees. Quite proud of the horses.
  2. Its been an epic couple of sessions on the rigging and im loving it but the arms get tired holding them up and trying to get very fine motor skills out of them. Fore stay and preventer stay has gone in and i did try and worm and snake them... first effort but im reasonably happy with the result. Its a bit of a worry as it was tricky and a lot of work had gone into the stays anyway. I know there should be hearts instead of deadeyes on the fore stays but the kit came with bugger all hearts so deadeyes it is.
  3. Bobstay and preventer bobstay in.. working now on starboard bowspit shroud
  4. Doh... just as i finished gluing it all on the starboard forecast shrouds and took picture.. can see the dead eye is upside down! The perfectionist in me wants to fix it but the realist goes just move on... so much more work to do.
  5. Starting to rig the foremast shrouds and decided to print some deadeye templates with the correct spacing to help. it only took 3 proto types but I think I am getting there. I have started on the starboard shrounds first, then go onto the fore stay and the main stay next. Question, which side should the main stay pass the foremast by convention? on this picture its the right hand side - is that correct?
  6. Finally after 4 months of waiting the rigging book i wanted arrived and on to the final chapter... rigging this bastard. Im happy with the general layout of things now so hopefully this will progress reasonably fast.
  7. There is also fly tying threads 2/0 is roughly 0.12mm have to use the dernier to estimate the diameter and it comes in colour's and waxed options
  8. I bought some beginner books from Amazon about square rigging and ship modelling from the recommended list on this very site. So while they coming i did refer to the frank martini book ship modelling simplified and started to rig up the fore stays in pairs and taping them down first. But have also realized using the rigging for English boats book that this model does not have enough shroud deadeyes in the channels to be accurate. In the Lee's book it says seven deadeyes in the fore mast shrouds which makes sense being six plus one preventer shroud. So decision time do I rip the channels off and try and bodge a new channels or go with the kit? Also suspecting the kit provided blocks, deadeyes and rope all not to scale so makes it difficult to progress with more accuracy. I'm comfortable progressing knowing that the kit will be a good beginners guide and not get hung up on the technical accuracy. There are many skills still to gain so everything a learning.
  9. Finally finished the gun deck. Getting the hooks and loops into the side of the ship very difficult and tested my eye sight and skills with twizzers and pliers.
  10. Laughing right now... just went back and read the first entry in the log... 6-9 months to finish... yeah right! It's been over 2 years so far
  11. After hours and hours of mucking around in blender in a 3d curve environment, I'm alot happier with the head rails etc under the bowspit. They are copied quite closely to sister ship hms blandford. And very different from the original kit rails. Look it isn't perfect but to wrangle the curves in blender and print them out was cool and given me so much learning for bigger models in the future. I am pretty confident this will be the blueprint for this area in future. And I can scupt some nice decoration nexr time to fit in there. And Mrs greyhound has something to stand on and hopefully not fall off into the water!
  12. I've finished the 3d printed rails so it was time to paint the good print of Mrs greyhound... a little apprehensive as painting figures is not my fortay and it's bloody small but the vallejo game colour kit seems to give the skirt some good highlights... and for a 4k printer the level of detail is good. So for a figurine you have never seen before posed by merehuman and printed on a anycubic 4k here she is....
  13. Throwing my two cents in here... to allow for the inevitable accuracy issues when lofting from 2d to 3d, laser burn and xy inaccuracy with the plotting table dont you add extra onto the bulkheads to allow sanding down to a smooth hull as per normal fairing during construction? The question is how much more which is pretty much trial and error until you happy with the results? Perhaps 1mm extra all round the "true" surface? Agree a simple design like a dory in bigger scales will allow for more inaccuracy in first attempts and be more forgiving.
  14. After seeing the bow of such vessels as HMS Victory I didn't like the 3d printed one I had on Greyhound so I pulled it off. Also to do the gammoning rope around the bowspit. Anyway I'm going to have another go at 3d printing some decorative rails that meet up better with the figure head. Rather than guess about the complicated curves in this area I tried to mock up with some wire the run of the rails, take some photos and then use a nurbs curve in blender to create a print file. Plus, minus the rails will go along roughly with these lines. But of course will print them and if I don't like them then print them again.
  15. Can people help me to understand the rigging plan for a 1719 establishment? I think I have it right now but if you can check my simplified diagram and the names. The plans that come with the ship are completely wrong and I want to start my ship of sail modelling career out correctly so that I can copy it for new builds later. Essentially I will be going off the lees book but help from here on the website and not the plans in the kit The annoying thing is I will have to scratch build some trestle trees for the flag staff at top of each mast and guessing the height of each mast is probably wrong in kit. But not too worried as long as I get the stays correct on this first build
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