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About Srenner

  • Birthday December 20

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  1. Working at 1/100 scale there was no way i was going to make realistic parrals for 1720 rigging with wood so i once again turned to the 3d printer. Ive gone it.. they very delicate to take the supports out of and i broke 5 just to make one so print off heaps of clones. But i have realised it doesnt end in a parral, the trucks dont have a end parral! So back to the printer again. I must say i love that it takes about 10 minutes per print these days with the rapid resin. 1720 it was indeterminate if the yards were left on place or lowered so thats why the parrals are needed.
  2. Hi Keith- im up to rigging the truss pendants... where is toni's tutorial found? On this website?
  3. This is what happens when you try and do things at 9pm at night, tired and cant be arsed getting it right... pull it off and start again!
  4. What i do love about model making with ships is that there is many ways of making something with different materials, different manufacturing techniques both additive and subtractive and there isnt a right answer. In making a yard i could have turned the wood and shave a hexagonal central region. I could have left it round. Ive experiemented with making two hexagonal parts on the 3d printer which sheath the 4mm dowel to create a hexagonal centre piece. The hard part of this is paint to colour match or maybe i paint it black.. if its black it tends to hide the detail so im trying for a wood match this time... if it looks dumb i will paint it black and white or grey dry brush to bring out the hex shape.
  5. You can go into too much detail. I didnt turn my top gallant masts but i did add a "stump" pole using the 3d printer.. think they look pretty cool on the foremast at least
  6. Ive fixed the broken chain plate with a piece of rope.. much more 1720! To be honest if your considering this kit maybe just go with the rope... it looks so much neater. And now... what colour do you paint a white metal belaying pin??!? Again rubbish with a capital rub.
  7. While im sorting out the mess with the dead eyes i tried out my new tool, a drawing pad by Huion. It takes a bit of time to adjust to it but i was starting to get better towards the end. Ive made some kevel blocks for the ship and they look okay. Im just going to paint them black and stick them on.
  8. My fix for the broken chain plate hasnt worked.. the glue keeps breaking when i try and rig up the deadeye. Im thinking if i can drill it out and and use a piece of rope around the dead eye and through the hole in the channel and then use a panel pin to hold it down? Its a pain the butt.
  9. Did i tell you the white metal chain plates that come with the kit are rubbish? If i had my time again which i wont i would either 3d print them from strong plastic or make my own with rope as it 1719 and iron wasnt used for chain plates yet. I broken my second one rigging up the foremast. My fix for this as i nailed the chain plates down, is to bend some 1mm brass wire around the deadeye and then super glue it onto the broken stump of the plate and wind black fishing fly fishing silk around the base with more super glue. Dont use the kit ones unless your very careful!!
  10. So i am improving the rigging quite bit up front... some parts are from the lees book for 1719 establishment but others are because of the kit and the pieces given to me. She is coming together nicely... people are right when the rigging goes on she looks great.
  11. I love rigging ships! But it is fiddly work. Been working on the spirit sail yard area and taking direction from lee's book for 1720 following as much as i can. Decision point coming up.. unclear if grethound had a outer topmast preventer stay and if that had a block and tackle the same as the inner stay after passing the bees. Quite proud of the horses.
  12. Its been an epic couple of sessions on the rigging and im loving it but the arms get tired holding them up and trying to get very fine motor skills out of them. Fore stay and preventer stay has gone in and i did try and worm and snake them... first effort but im reasonably happy with the result. Its a bit of a worry as it was tricky and a lot of work had gone into the stays anyway. I know there should be hearts instead of deadeyes on the fore stays but the kit came with bugger all hearts so deadeyes it is.
  13. Bobstay and preventer bobstay in.. working now on starboard bowspit shroud
  14. Doh... just as i finished gluing it all on the starboard forecast shrouds and took picture.. can see the dead eye is upside down! The perfectionist in me wants to fix it but the realist goes just move on... so much more work to do.
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