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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. Had some time to work, and i made some parts to the cross-section The Sheet bits and the Capstan The main Mast Test to see the main mast in position The deadeyes in position Bought some new wood colors (stain) and tested to see how they look
  2. Hi , Nice to see you back I hope you can put for everybody the pictures you have from the old site I have saved your old post from the frist site. If you think i can help you, just write Wait to see some new pictures from your other works Al the best Cristi
  3. Contiue to the interior plank, (i can say the third) and try to see if i can use some other type of guns, that i have already from Amati Actual work Gun carriage The guns from Amati to compare with the guns received from Deagostini (any ideas ??) Close look of the third plank
  4. Theo, i like your humor but i don't want to joke with the guys from MSW, they realy wprked very hard for years, an maybe sometime, someone can recover the data from this disks I know that are companies that can do this, but the price is not so small, and it takes some times I know this because this is my job, computer eng. and i had to do something like this to some very important HDD that had problems. For other HDD i like to make tests, and now i'm working to some ideas to reuse the Floppy drive All the best Cristi
  5. Hi Majstor I like the way you advance with Saint John I also work to this, and to the cross section of Saint John, it will be from number 101 of your magazine See you soon with new pictures Cristi
  6. The cross section it moves very quickly I like to "age" this cross section too, so this is the result Start the first plank
  7. I have to make a small "lathe" in such a way i can do the masts very well I make a small tool And i tried my old idea to make a lathe, where to use this tool But till that moment, i continue with this cross section On the other cross section - The Santisima Trinidad i have also to work to the masts, and this is why i have to stay, for a while This is how i continue
  8. And here i was in december, when Chistmas came But aften number 100 of the magazine, they started with the Cross Section from number 101 to 120 And i started to work in paralele to the whole ship and also to the cross section
  9. Some more datails Part of my new workspace Parts of the masts Some new deatails and the barrels
  10. Let's say, Ready with the second planking And prepare some parts of the main mast, the crow nest and other
  11. From november 2011 i moved my workspace inside, in my son room, afther he left for his house. It is better to work inside, instead of work on a closed balcony, in automn or winter. Start of the first plank: It arrived the 58 number of the magazine, but i was far behind with my work, i had to work a lot to my job but try to move with my ship, when i had time
  12. Start to prepare the mast: Detail of the "lathe" i use: The whole "lathe" and the post : At the end, the result:
  13. Continue to add some pictures of San John I try to put back, just some interesting pictures, not all of them As you can see i had some problemes with the lathes i received
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