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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. Very nice, and the pictures are very good, so we can see a lot of details. Thank's for all Cristi
  2. Some new parts, aded Stairs, and other, aged a detail Pause for some time, because i still had to work hard at my job
  3. Some new pictures with Belaying Pins i had mnade And painted, put in position to see how it looks
  4. Hi Jack I work to the same cross section of Santisima I will use an old map for background, but very soft colours, so maybe you can try this idea. Hope to be soon as you are now All the best, Cristi
  5. Hi I use pin vice/drill and 4 head pin vice. I think that if you use the good twisted drills, you can do a lot with these I use the ones that are in the pictures and are all OK Hope you chose the correct ones for you Cristi
  6. Hi, it is Mamoli HMS Bounty 1:64 (MV39) kit? If it is this, i work to this kit, but for the moment it is a pause. It was on the old MSW, and i will try to put again the log, till the moment i had to stop for a period of time Cristi
  7. Hi Juan Glad to see you back, with the hole set of pictures It was a reference to me some time ago, when i bought my kit and started my cross section Very nice work, and a reference to a lot of people Cristi
  8. Like your work i know from the first site, and i look to "take ideas". I'm working to the same kit, when i have time All the best Cristi
  9. The pin rail that came with the kit firs try to replace The tool and the second try The pin rails painted the some made by myself Start to produce all of the pin rails I painted one and it looks better
  10. The firs try did not work very well I used vinegar and a 12V power The second try is with 12V power and "cooper sulphate" after 4 hours
  11. Using electrolysis try some gun transformation, to see more realistic And it looks nice, but want to see if it will be ok after varnishing
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