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Everything posted by Metaspace

  1. Thank you!! It is for our collection only. Still very interesting, I am baffled about the lack of manpower, so few gunners...I really expected 2-4 men per gun pair available, a single gunner for a broadside of 5 pieces in May 1626? 😮 How come you researched this, if I may ask? Best, -Roman
  2. Hi Waldermar, many thanks! I defnitely do not want to create work for you, my intent was to enrich our "collection" on the ship. Where did you publish your findings (the ones you refer to, 10 years ago)?
  3. Hi Waldemar, thank you for your interest! What a coincidence, indeed 🙂 I'm fascinated with your research. Would you like (and are able) to share the documents concerning the Papegojan? I just had a look at your build log, the CAD renderings are splendid. I had my first go at CAD for the sail and cannon control units, using the free 123D design software - pretty frustrating, as it had trouble coping with the complexity of my design (a few thousand objects). In any case I am looking forward to see more of your ship!
  4. What an amazing model!! Pure perfection! Coincidentally, my son and me have built the same ship, as a RC model (I have just created a thread). Where I had thought we have been quite true to the historic original, I have just learned we only have created a rough approximation, when looking at yours 🙂
  5. Hi all, after the original forum, where I started posting our build log, has become very silent, I hope to find a more interested audience here! I have been persuaded by my son, then 8, to build a wooden model ship (he had been inspired by seeing a wooden model of a Minoan galley, shown in a excavation museum found on the Greek island of Paros - a reconstruction based on murals 3800 years old). As we were reading a book on Francis Drake at the time, it had to be a sailing ship of roughly that area, of course remote controlled, of course with functioning cannons, and reefing sails was also a desired feature. A good friend of ours builds cardboard models, he gave me a cardbord model kit for the Papegojan from 1624, scale 1:98 - the plans of which I stretched by 320% (such it will just fit into the trunk of our car - and the bigger, the better for real sailing). Our model measures ~1200mm from stern to tip of the bowsprit, and displaces 9.6 kg. Also, we changed the name to "Zeta", and made some minor modifications to the original, as preferred by my son. Apart from that, we have tried to stick as much as possible to historical correctness as possible - with some small compromises to allow radio controlled sailing - I will point these out. For sailing, all sails will be contolled as in the original, with the help of bracing winches (I hope this it the correct English term). Sails also allow reefing, not fully historically acurate, for reasons of mechanical implementation, but more or less close to it. Cannons can be fired remotely, and are also planned to allow running in and out of the ship, gun ports opening and closing respectively. At this time, the hull and all details are complete, so is the rigging - what is missing are the bracing/reefing reels to complete the sail steering unit; the mechanical and software part for cannon control, and the lead ballast. Here are some teaser pictures: if you are interested in a detailed build log (we learned a lot on our journey), let me know, and I will translate the original log (in German) and continue posting here! (As this is our first model, and there were many things we did not initially know about model making as well as about historical sailing ships, we have created a comprehensive log with a lot of explanations, as I felt the relevant information did not exist in a single place elsewhere.) Greetings from Vienna, Austria, -Roman
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