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    Research in the auxiliary sciences of shipbuilding

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  1. Hi, sorry about the shipping costs. The same thing happens to me when I buy books in the United States of America, or Italy, but sometimes I have no choice, they have very good printed works. Regards and let me know what you think of the book. Happy Holidays
  2. Hello, on Friday the 20th or Monday the 23rd they will already have books and the price is €48. Bye
  3. Hello, I wanted to leave you the reference to a book about Spanish naval architecture and construction in the 18th century. I am uploading the cover of one of the two volumes and the indexes. In total there are almost 1200 pages of information taken from original manuscripts where a lot of data is provided about the masts, sails and measurements of ships, frigates, etc. Greetings. INDICE VOL II.pdf INDICE VOLUMEN I.pdf
  4. Hola, perdona que te hable en español, mi inglés es muy malo y te escribo desde el móvil. Siento contestarte tan tarde a tu mensaje, pero no suelo estar mucho por el foro. Mándame un mensaje con tu email y te envío unos libros en el inglés por webtransfer.


    Como galeón de Manila tienes el navío nuestra señora del pilar de Zaragoza, hay un kit, pero muy malo. Pero hay un libro en español sobre este barco, puedes utilizar un plano de un navío de principios de siglo XVIII para hacer un galeón de mamila, ya que eran navíos de la armada española en el XVIII hasta que se retiró el comercio a través del galeón de Manila.


    Un saludo. 

  5. Hello, I found this book, you might be interested in it, greetings. Juan Carlos Mejías Lectures on Naval Architecture, being the Substance of those delivered at the United Service Institution.pdf
  6. Hello, I think the book "libreta de notas de un carpintero de ribera". may interest you. The authors posted it for free consultation. You can search it on the internet and you will find it easy. Bye.
  7. Very nice book of photographs of one of the reproductions made in the middle of the 20th century in Spain of the ship Santa María, a book of free diffusion. Bye Carabela_santa_maria_1492_1929.pdf
  8. On the page 516 will be able to read an article about the start and development of the Spanish frigate in the 16th and early 17th centuries. Bye. https://es.scribd.com/read/580495890/El-sujeto-en-la-historia-maritima
  9. Article about 16th century galleasses Bye La_galeaza_en_la_batalla_de_Lepanto_anal.pdf
  10. Book about the Spanish ship of the line Santísima Trinidad, with permission from the author. Bye Santisima_Trinidad_140_razones_para_la_h.pdf
  11. Hello, I bring you a very interesting book that the original is in the National Library of Spain. It is not pirated, it is posted on the network with the authorization of the authors. Bye Fabrica_de_baseles.pdf
  12. I have observed that when they want to make a model of a 16th century galley, they use the existing galley in the Maritime Museum of Barcelona as one of the references. Said gallery is said to represent Juan de Austria's gallery, but it is NOT correct, the layout of that gallery is NOT from the 16th century. Just looking at the type of stern already shows that it is after the first quarter of the 17th century, more or less. The stern of the 16th century galleys are different, I am attaching some photos of the frescoes in the Palace of Don Alvaro de Bazán where his galley is reproduced. I will also post a photo of the galley at the stern of the Barcelona museum. Even so, although it is not a 16th century design, it is still a magnificent work and worth visiting. Bye.
  13. My name is Juan Carlos Mejías, I make ship models, I like to investigate. I don't have much time, but I join this forum because I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you. Excuse my English, I'm Spanish and I don't speak English, I use google. A greeting from Spain. Juan Carlos
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