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  1. Oh yeah! Smokin’ hot in the summer. It was wrapped in disintegrated newspaper which took some work to gently remove it where it was fused to the paint. At this point I’m looking at leaving it that way and try to replicate it where needed.
  2. Thanks for that link, that was interesting as heck to go through! Could definitely see a lineage in some of those ships. I now have a much better idea of what to do with the pilot house after looking at those. Still looking through it to see if I can find something closer. I always thought that it looked PT boat’ish with that bow and hull shape, and the two curved exhaust stacks.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking the same thing. The hull feels hollow rather than a solid block of wood which made me wonder. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Would like to get an ID or even an idea of what the attached model is. When we cleaned out the attic prior to remodeling our home, which has been in the family since 1950’ish, I found the attached wooden boat model. I have no idea if it is from a kit or scratch-built. Pretty sure that it was my father in laws from the 50’s timeframe as he passed in the early 50’s. My wife’s father had been a Canadian in the US Navy (Coast Guard?) during WW II and ran ‘speed boats’ for tourists on the Great Lakes after the war. There are several pieces broken, and a couple missing. I’d like to get it back presentable rather than like-new. I’m making pieces by hand, but if there is a source for the railing posts and such I wouldn’t mind exploring that option. Would love to know if it is a model of an actual boat. As for me I have several hobbies, woodworking, photography, and salt water reef keeping among other things. I have built a skipjack (Will E Bennett) up to the rigging and sails and am having a blast with that. Any insight or information about this model is appreciated!
  5. Thanks for the response, that is what I was looking for!
  6. I’d like to tap into the forum’s expertise for info on a wooden boat model found in the attic. Possibly based on a WW II PT boat, likely a scratch built but may be from a kit. Where would the proper place be to post a picture and ask for a possible ID? Thanks for any info.
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