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David Enghauser

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  1. In building the Pride of Baltimore, is there a specific size line to use for seizing? Thank you
  2. Nice model. Born in Iowa and graduated from Iowa State in 1964.
  3. I have been using Titebond thick and quick for planking The Pride of Baltimore. Pleased with results. Sets up faster than normal wood glue but so far has the same properties. Doesn't stick to my hands like CA.
  4. A dumb question. On previous ships I beveled the bulkheads after they were installed in place. Plans for POB suggest they are beveled before installation. I assume the beveled area faces to the bow before midship, and then toward the stern after midship?
  5. I notice that Titebond also has a glue called Speed set , is anyone familiar with it? I Wonder what the difference is between it and Titebond Quick and Thick?
  6. Is it necessary to sand razor burn where items are to be glued? Thanks
  7. Very helpful. Thank you. Another question. In the video it appears that he only bends the planking one way. I assume that by trimming the planking based on the tick marks that allows the plank to sit flat against the bulkhead.
  8. I meant the tick marks on the bulkheads.
  9. Chuck's videos are very helpful. How does he establish the tick marks for the planks?
  10. Having just finished the Endurance, I am about to begin the Pride of Baltimore. I used wood tile wood glue for the planking on the Endurance, but am wondering if there is a better choice. I noticed someone mentioned a hot glue gun, others have mentioned super glue to start an end. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
  11. Meant to say tug boats not barges.
  12. My daughter and son in law have a second home on the York river across from Yorktown in Virginia. I am finishing the Endurance by Occre, and would like to build a ship. barge, etc. that would sail or have sailed on the York river or Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. They would display it in their home on the river. Open to any ideas. Thank you, Dave
  13. This is my first ship with extensive rigging. I have completed the Model Shipways 3 beginner kits and am now doing the Endurance. Many thanks to Hakezou for his comprehensive build log. I refer to it all the time. My initial rigging questions are: !. Shrouds and ratlines. Where do they attach at the top for the bottom set, at the edge of the "platform" ? The top set appears to attach to the mast, but I can not see where the bottom set attaches. Also the Occre video shows attaching the ratlines with glue in one video and knots in another video. I assume glue is not recommended. 2. The foremast "platform" has 9 holes on each side near the mast. Which lines go through? I assume the lines that attach to the rings at the bottom on the mast, but that only accounts for 5 per side. 3. I plan to attach the lines to the eyes at the bottom of the main mast before gluing the masts in. After that I assume that it is best to follow the sequence of Occres plans, A, B C etc? Or is there a better sequence? I have attached all of the sails to their appropriate booms already, but have not attached them to the masts yet. More questions will probably follow. Sorry for all the questions, any help most appreciated. Dave
  14. Until now I have done wood. However I am open. Size can not be more than about 3 ft. Occre is about the right length.
  15. I am considering building the Titanic as my next project. Completing the Endurance by Occre. I like Occre and am thinking of their Titanic, or is there a better kit? Also I want to add lights. Are there any logs that have included lights?
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