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  1. Thanks everyone! @Dr PR you are spot on with the eyebolts not holding down they keep sliding and turning. I’m going to try that model cement. As far as the kit being old I have no idea I got it shipped from the UK for Christmas and started it right away. @mtaylor thanks for letting me know about the intro post and build log. @RossR brand new drill set so I hope the bit isn’t damaged! I prolly should have mentioned that the part of the deck that was cracking was hollow underneath which didn’t help the situation. I’ve attached some pics. TBH I was kinda devastated when I blew a hole into the deck cuz now it looks crappy. I’m a bit of a perfectionist and it kills me that it’s not perfect. It’s my first build so I’m trying not to be so hard on myself. If you guys have any ideas on how to “fix” it I’m all ears if not I’ll have to let it go 😊
  2. Hello, First time builder here. I’m having a heck of a time placing these tiny 8mm eyebolts on my deck. I have a hand drill to create the correct size hole however my deck is cracking when trying to drill the holes for placement. I tried placing a little bit of water down first to soften the wood and that helped a little but I’m looking for any advice beyond that? I tried googling for answers and came back with not much help for this specific issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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