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Everything posted by GRATEFUL LITTLE PHISH

  1. Got a few minutes to sit down today, cut out the bkheafs and fit them to the hull. From what I can see they fit much more precisely than I've read about. The book I'm reading recommends tracing each bulkhead, folding it and using that as an indicator to get the hull properly straight. Is this common for any of you to do? Obviously important, just trying to see how you all approach this. Chris ⚓️
  2. Well the full kit arrived and everything seems to be there. The mast appears to have a bit of splintering, but luckily have one from the original kit. Got a new puppy yesterday so that's taking a little of my time! Hoping to start soon ⚓️
  3. I love the reputation and praise Vanguard has received on my posts alone, bit for some reason, battling with a kit and not getting it too easy the first go-around seems somewhat appropriate so I'm not spoiled too soon 😃
  4. I honestly think I may get a Frankenstein kit out of it and use it as a learning experience. She sent me a photo of the other kit she's sending and it looks like the missing pieces are there. Time will tell!
  5. Chris, It probably pains you to see it, I'm sure, haha! There are multiple silver linings. The lady is a new seller and she must have bought a lot of kits, two of which were lady nelsons, the other she is sending me free of charge after refunding me immediately, which does have the keel and bulkheads. Even if it's incomplete in some other small way, it gives me a somewhat carefree practice kit for my first kit that I can tinker with and study. I gave her good feedback since she handled the situation very professionally and I figured the lesson learned was beneficial to her: if you're going to sell model kits to a detail-oriented community, make sure they're complete if you're listing them as NEW! I was on the Vanguard site last night, but didn't see too many beginner/intermediate kits at my level, and I am definitely not going to get something out of league to start with. Hopefully I can work my way up to one in the future 👍. Cheers, Chris
  6. Well, the lady on ebay was very sweet and gave me a refund immediately...I really don't think she knew. Can't do much without the bulkheads, keel and deck! Seems like someone started the build and quit...she's sending me another od the same kit at no cost. Maybe I can Frankenstein the two together. I think I'll find a new kit online to he safe. Can't make this stuff up.
  7. Great advice, thanks! He may have lost interest in the forum, but his skill level was quite impressive from what I ascertained. Tonight I get to do an inventory and open a few new tools, so I'm just enjoying the evergreen stage, no rush. Good chatting, Chris .
  8. There was a guy named vossiewolf on here who had an amazing build log going for Lady Nelson and he appears to have fallen off the face of the earth some years ago. Kinda weird.
  9. All, My model showed up two days early, and I felt like Ralphie's dad when the leg lamp showed up. Needless to say it was exciting, so, thanks to the support and motivation of others who have produced some beautiful HM Cutters on this site, here's the start to my first build log and what I imagine will be a great learning curve. May not have time to get deep today, and that's okay! Still waiting on some supplies. ⚓️ Anchors Aweigh, Chris
  10. Looks cool. I'm about to start my first model and it's an HM Cutter. Looking forward to referring to your build log. Take care. Chris
  11. Bob, I picked up that book used on Amazon for $10, and a used copy of planking techniques on ebay for $6. The one you recommended will be here tomorrow, so that'll be a nice read as I (patiently) wait for my model to arrive. Thanks again for the advice. Chris
  12. Bob, I must have missed the rest of this post, my apologies. I had been looking at some other logs, but vossiewolf is definitely one to look at as his skill level is high, so thank you. I will be returning the rotary tool and invsting in some files, maybe not the Swiss ones right away, but I understand their value. Also, nice finds on ebay! 🏆 Chris
  13. I think anybody who recommended Chuck's method and appreciates quality vintage can appreciate this antique store find today. Practically NIB, hope it enjoys its new-found purpose.
  14. Welcome aboard. Have fun. Chris
  15. Welcome aboard, have fun. Chris
  16. Welcome, I'm new here, too, and the support had already been very warm and supportive.
  17. Well done! This just happens to be the first boat I'm doing, and it'll be here in a few days. Your build log should prove quite invaluable. Looks like your guitar skills proved useful. Cheers. Chris
  18. I've definitely seen this done around the bow and stern sort of where the excess planks are prior to being trimmed. 👍
  19. Mixing paint sounds pretty righteous to me. Channel some Bob Ross with some titanium WHite and beat the devil out of my brushes (carefully).
  20. Bob, Read you loud and clear. It's funny you mentioned it because I went to both hobby lobby and harbor freight yesterday and came home empty handed. I began to realiE that this hobby is a true craftsman hobby and moat of the tools needed ate far more unique than those stores would have. As a kid I'd ride my bike to the hobby lobby near my house and get testors or the splurge Tamiya paint, but I was very disappointed yesterday. As someone who loves going to my local antique shop and flea markets, that passion should provide more unique finds moving forward. The starter stuff I got may not be great, but I bought it as the bare essentials for what I thought I'd get into, and will add to that when the job calls for it. I appreciate your insight. Chris
  21. That is a great tool, and one I'm sure many people love to hear! 🤣
  22. Looks like my model is due to arrive on the 10th, not the 13th, so that's good news! I remember the excitement of opening a new model as a kid, so the anticipation is fun in and of itself.
  23. I benevolent what simulated me to get one was watching Olhas channel and watching her carve away the planks at the hull where I believe the false hull would sit? In still working on my terminology so hopefully that still makes sense. You are correct that it does indeed have many uses, and for someone like me, understanding when to use it and when not to is a benefit before I damage the kit wood pieces. Thanks for your inputs, Chris
  24. Roger, I suppose I could return the rotary tool for now and stick with some good old fashioned files...makes more sense anyhow. A couple responses above this one you'll see that I am making a decision to save money and not buy too many things. I'd be working on my model like you said, but it'll be here on the 12th or 13th, which is why I figured I'd get the basics before it arrived. Ask any of my friends and you'll quickly find out I'm pretty darn frugal. Getting fifty bucks back for a tool I nay not need and can put the money to use elsewhere sounds ok in my book. Thanks again for the wisdom, Chris
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