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Everything posted by DerekMc

  1. That's great news! It will be interesting to see at what price point they will be offered.
  2. I'm still getting used to how to format posts on this site! Here is my TAIG Mini Lathe- I attached the slitting saw directly to the spindle which I think would help with accuracy. The challenge is that there isn't room with the placement of the motor to attach a table that allows the production of strip wood lengths. Not a problem when you are cutting short wing ribs like the previous post. Three immediate solutions- Use an extension to move the blade to the right so that it clears the motor. Use larger diameter blade- not sure it can be big enough without hitting the motor. Use a larger base board and reposition the motor so that it's off to the left and not in the way. Any other ideas? I know whatever I do won't be as accurate as a real table saw but it probably will work for most of my projects. Even better it's a project with equipment I already have!
  3. For years I wanted to buy a Byrne Table Saw and I'll keep my eyes open for a used one. In the mean time I can buy one of the other mini table saws or do something different. Going through a file of pictures in a saved aeromodeling folder I ran into these. Unfortunately I don't have a record of where I found them many years ago. I titled the folder "rib slicer." Here's a couple that show an attachment to the TAIG mini lathe.
  4. The heat shrink is a great idea. I have several where I made the ends smaller for more precision in tight places.
  5. I bought my kits at KMart for the most part. Fun times! The club meeting is tomorrow. I'm interested in what the other members built. I know several built old classic kits. I didn't because I don't have any. I installed the steering chain so its set for tomorrows meeting.
  6. My local IPMS chapter decided to do a "Build like you did as a kid" group build. Basic idea is to pick a kit and build it in a straight shot. Paint is optional. I thought it would be a good time and checked the stack of kits. I didn't want anything complicated but still with a bit of challenge. I spotted the Meng Minenraumer kit I picked up on sale many years ago. Upon inspection the body part count was low and I didn't have any real plans for it so why not? First challenge is that the instructions weren't in the box. Problem solved by a check on the Scalemates site and download of a scan of the instructions. I had a day off with no commitments so Time to Build! The VsKfz 617 was a one off prototype that looks cool but didn't work well as a minesweeper. The prototype still exists at the Kubinka Tank Museum. First up was the body top. Putting together the small hooks was a pain and I lost a couple to the carpet monster. I must say that not worrying about seam lines sped up the pace quite a bit! Then came the tracks. They were a pain till I figured out a couple tricks in the assembly. The tracks have metal in them to make them heavier. Pretty cool but not really needed. Waiting for the glue to dry on the wheels: As the build continued I decided to keep the major assemblies separate so I can give them a decent paint job in the future. Who knows when that might happen? The assembled vehicle. It's missing a steering chain but once that's attached I'll call it good. I did leave two fiddly parts off. Other than that its a straight from the box build. This certainly was a change of pace compared to my usual builds. A pleasant seven to eight hours or so. Fun!
  7. But I will! The bow mounted machine gun has a distinctive look. It shouldn't be all that hard to make one up from a paperclip and a bit of styrene.
  8. My local IPMS chapter is having a T34 group build. A deceased member left a large number of 1/35 Tamiya T34 kits to the club so several member decided to have a bit of fun. My contribution is a bit different because I decided to use a 1/72 T34 kit from the stash and display it on a enlarge Advanced Squad Leader playing piece for the specific tank. Here is what the playing piece looks like. https://i.imgur.com/jgwfz1Pm.jpg Each of the numbers and letters have value in the game. The 76L is the gun size. The 16 is movement points ect. Here's the work in progress. I need to adjust the background color. It needs a bit more yellow. The font isn't exact but close. https://i.imgur.com/aMgEf9gm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/yPTF7Bfm.jpg The plan is to mount the paper on a nice wood plaque and add some scenery such as grass tufts and a bit of rubble. Now to finish the tank and adjust the base color. I have to figure out what to do for the bow mounted machine gun. It was captured by the carpet monster...grrrrr....
  9. Probably not. I use Tamiya Extra thin and find that it smells. Still, it's an excellent glue. A couple things that can help with the odor. Minimize how long the bottle is left open. I use the lid brush so I place the glue then put the lid back on the bottle without delay. I use a small fan to move the air around a bit. It doesn't get rid of the odor but it will minimize the direct impact. Have a window slightly open for a bit of fresh air. Chilly in the winter! Nice job on the Humber!
  10. Nice cozy place to hang out and build!
  11. And it begins! 🙂 Kit arrived today and I checked to make sure all the part were present. One sheet had a split so grabbed the glue and clamps. I'll probably start a build log once I get going.
  12. Maybe one of the TAIG 4-Jaw chucks can be adapted? TAIG Four Jaw Chucks
  13. Same bench with a free flight airplane I'm rebuilding and recovering. It's a plane originally built in the mid Fifties. The builder died around 2002 and the plane was a gift to me. All it needs is covering and it will be flying in honor of it's builder.
  14. The clean, standing level workbench- That's a big cork building board ready to go. I use this bench with a TAIG lathe as well.
  15. As I first posted, I'm organizing a new modelling room after a move. I have lot's of tools. Many extras because a modeling friend of mine died recently and I received several boxes from his widow. Lot's of great railroad books and tools. I hope to organize the extras and duplicates and make them available to fellow modelers. One corner of the room with a messy workbench: Time to get organized. There is a ship kit showing up soon!
  16. Nice rocket! Good luck with your Level 1. I'm Level 2. I thought about Level 3 but it's to expensive. Those M size motors are pricey! 500ft AGL would be tough. My club launches from a sod farm with 9,600ft limit. It's mighty nice!
  17. Thanks! I do have a variety of interests for sure. I'm not as involved with Free Flight contests and rocketry due to housing moves. Those events are a multiple hour drive away now. I will still participate but at a lower level. The model railroading and shipbuilding are "in my house" events that travel with me wherever I move. I decided to go with a Model Shipways Norwegian Sailing Pram as a first build. It's on its way and I'm looking forward to it's arrival.
  18. Thank you Steven. I will check out the thread you shared for sure. Believe me, I intend to have fun!
  19. Hello, I'm new to the forum. Long time model builder focusing on free flight airplanes, high power amateur rocketry and narrow gauge model railroads. I like models of all types! I've always likes boats and ships so now that I'm an empty nester I'm looking at building a ship of some sort. I'm checking out the resources on this site and it all looks cool. I love reading related to my interests so I joined The Nautical Research Guild pretty much for the Journal! I have a dedicated room in a new home for my modeling and am in the midst of the set up. Still building a bit on the side though. The initial set up should be done in the next couple of weeks. Big decision at the moment is how to vent the spray booth! A few of my modeling interests and figuring out how to insert images: Peanut scale rubber powered flying Farman Moustique. Not exact scale but it flies great! Balsa and Japanese Tissue One of my high power rockets. A fanciful missile. 60 inches long. I traded it to a friend. The rocket on its way a few years ago- it hit about 3000ft (900m+) altitude. Finally, a picture of me launching one of my Free flight competition rubber powered airplanes- FAI F1B International class Looks like I figured out how to share pictures. 🙂 Now to explore the site and research a nice first build ship! Long term goal is a nice 1/48 ship to receive freight from my narrow gauge model railroad. Lot's of options!
  20. I finally have the money to buy a Byrnes table saw. Here's hoping they will be available soon!
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