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Everything posted by bcochran

  1. Ian and all of you who helped me here thank you very much. It isn't often that I've had so many people put as much energy into helping me with my projects. Sorry to say I have moved on from R/C boats. It just hasn't been any fun trying to get this thing to run right. Maybe in the future I will get the boat off the shelf again and try what Ian has suggested and it will work right.
  2. Ian, Is it usually the case that someone in the r/c boat hobby has to do all that?
  3. My M.A.C.K, ESC looks like it is ok with just the battery plugged in to it. When i plug it into the receiver it stops running. I don't have the desire or motivation to keep trying things and getting disappointed. The equipment I have and the setup I have just doesn't work! I have 4 different ESCs. nothing is working with either. I shouldn't have to try this and try that. I should be able to buy some equipment follow the directions and things work. I have battery operated G scale trains that I installed the battery electronics and they work. I have DCC ho model trains and I install the decoders and program them and they work. But this R/C boat has kicked my ***!
  4. This is the first ESC that I bought from M.A.C.K. It looks like it is working. The video shows the fan spinning. I'll hook it up to the receiver tomorrow. Stay tuned IMG_2278.mov IMG_2278.mov
  5. This is the latest ESC that I bought. The first time I flip the switch it worked as it should for 30 seconds then shut down. The fan was spinning and a led in the bottom was lit. IMG_2272.mov As the video shows it will not work.
  6. I tell myself that it can't be all ESCs are bad. If I connect the batteries to the ESC and the fan does not spin it looks to me that it is not working right. and when I plug them into the receiver there is no control of the servo and the LED on the receiver stars blinking on and off, I have assumed the ESC is bad. What else can cause that? I think I will call M.A.C.K. tomorrow and talk to him.
  7. I haven't tried anything yet. I don't know what to do about getting the right ESC. I look on line but get confused.
  8. The fact that you are taking the time to help me is much appreciated.
  9. I have a harness that takes care of that. The connectors are keyed so I don't think I can connect them wrong. The battery plugs are male.The Y harness to the ESC is male and the plugs to the battery are female.
  10. Is it normal for r/c boat owners to have this much trouble ? it is hard for me to accept that 4 ESCs that I have tried do not work. Yet there is nothing mysterious about my boat. Just two 7.4 volt battery packs, an ESC, a receiver and a servo. All connections to ESC and batteries are keyed. I followed instruction on where to plug the ESC and servo to the receiver. Batteries are charged.
  11. I would guess that I am doing something wrong since I have trouble with all the ESCs. I just don't know what. AS to the Viper, it has only one battery connection. How do I go about using one battery? I do feel guilty about the GT3B because I was trying to set the end points when things started to go bad. Also when the servo tried to work with the other ESCs it barely moved then quit moving.
  12. I will try what you suggest. Way back when every thing worked the fan stayed on.
  13. I have a new ESC and I am going to connect everything outside the boat. My guess is the servo will work! I spoke too soon. The new ESC does not work. It is outside the boat, connected to the receiver and batteries. I turn on the switch, the receiver comes on as it should. I turn on the transmitter and the LED of the receiver lights as it should The fan on the ESC does not turn and the servo does not move. I don't now what to try next. I think I need a dual motor brushed 40amp ESC
  14. I have two Ni-Mh batteries each rechargeable to 7.4 volts. My new ESC will be here this week and it says they are for 6 to 12 volts. So I will be putting 14 volts to the ESC. I was wondering will doing that cause trouble.
  15. If my ESC says it is for 6-12 volts and my batteries put out 14 volts, is that a problem?
  16. I think I may be screwing up the ESCs by having them too close to the motors Another ESC is on the way. I am going to test it outside the boat first.
  17. I am going to try one more thing. I will hook up the batteries ESC and receiver outside the boat Outside the boat my receiver and transmitter LED works as they should. The viper ESC.did work but stopped working. The servo moved a bit then quit. I have no clue how to make it work. I am sending it back to the seller. I am glutton for punishment and ordered one last ESC like the first ones. When it comes I will hook it up outside the boat. Since I keep trashing ESCs maybe the motors are the problem. Or maybe I have zombie apocalypse fingers.
  18. Well the receiver woks correctly now but the transmitter has no control of servo or motor. The servo did move the first time I turned on the transmitter but now it does not move. Maybe I have to fiddle with the transmitter a bit. IMG_2246.mov
  19. I would have to connect the motor terminals together and plug the ESC to one motor correct?
  20. It looks like I bought a ESC for a single motor. I’m not having any luck getting this boat in the water
  21. I am waiting for a new ESC which is supposed to get here on Saturday. Most likely it would be the following week. Watch this log and I will say it he might before.
  22. Does it matter if a Ni-MH battery pack is 3300 mil or 5000 mil ?
  23. Maybe if my boat ever runs right, you could meet me at Laguna Lake for her maiden voyage.
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