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  1. Thank you GrandpaPhil I will check there.
  2. Would anyone have any building plans for any one of the 13 Balitmore Clippers of the Morris-Taney class around 1830s I recently bought an Author B Taney Revenue Cutter a Baltimore Clipper made by Dikar a 1/54 scale model and when i opened it there were no plans. Just wondering if anyone could help. Thank You DC12
  3. Hi, I saw your post and would like to know if you still have the plans. I recently bought a wooden model Aythor B Taney  Revenue Cutter  Baltimore Clipper and when i opened it there were no plans to build it and wounder if you still had plans for the build and could i get a copy or what ever i could to help me build this model. Thank you Dale

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  4. dc12

    Hi Chuck,

    Mary said to contact you and maybe you could help or direct me to someone that could help me 

     I have a wooden model ship I would like to build but it didn't come with any instructions, It is the Dikar- Roger B. Taney  Revenue Cutter Baltimore Clipper wood kit Ref.651 1:54 scale.  I would like to see if anyone has a set of instructions for it or knows where i could find a copy, or a similar Balitmore Clipper ship in the same scale I could maybe use ? The company no longer exists .

    Thanks Dale

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    1. Chuck


      You can post that question in the general discussion area.   My guess is that it will be difficult at best to find.   They werent popular kits so I doubt there are many folks who have them.


      But maybe you will get lucky.

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