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R Dan H

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  1. Also after looking through your build I can’t remember if you scratch built the whale boats or used the supplied lead castings. Please advise. The photos of your additional models look amazing. I hope to start my CWM now that I have actually found another identical Marine Models kit. You see, decades ago when my wife bought the original kit, it came with a letter from the co. Informing me of quite a few missing parts that they were short of and said they would advise as to when they would ship to me. That time didn’t come and so sat the model until I purchased an additional kit that another builder was liquidating along with several others that his age and time would not allow completion.He actually started on the hull so saving me some time in the process.So I now have 2 kits, one complete and one still missing parts. I will definitely use your build log and hope it stays on this site for the foreseeable future.thanks again, Dan
  2. I recently commenced not only my retirement but also unboxing a marine model CWM that my wife bought for me about 45 years ago when I thought I would find time to assemble.So I now want to proceed with this project and find your build of this same kit quite inspiring.One part of the build , namely the copper sheathing , I am trying to decide upon tape or individual tiles.Does the tape option offer longevity ? Does it adhere permanently? Please advise, Dan
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