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    Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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  1. Ok, A little b it of progress today: Part of the cabin area assembled and 1st coat of paint applied. Is the paint I'm using good for this? Please let me know as it's still early enough to change it. I find it a liiiitle too bright so maybe a very light, almost white grey or bone-white? What do you think? Thanks!
  2. Thank you guys! As I share this adventure with you, please feel free to make suggestions as they will be very welcomed. I will also be making quote some questions and will appreciate your help.
  3. Hello Everybody! I just joined in (have been lurking for a long time though). Very happy to start sharing my first build in decades and my workspace. One of the benefits of being single (divorced) is that my apartment is 100% MY space, so I have my work bench in the living room 😁 Started Calypso over a year ago but life happened and had to pause it until now. Enjoy these couple of pictures and will do my best to post more as I progress through the build. Cheers! S21
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