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  1. I suddenly realised logs need entries...whoopsie. I have made up most of the hull and it has been a steep learning curve getting used to the fine dexterity required for the parts...and the patience and presence of mind. I am also slowly relearning how to handle paint cleanly and efficiently and that is coming along. I even tried some wet on wet for the deck..not brilliant but okay. However, I made a bit of a mess of correctly gluing the hull parts together so they is a gap in the stern which will need some remedial work...the blame is on me not the kit which goes together really nicely. 20250201_183857.mp4 If anyone has any tips on how to join hull parts when it all goes blind and you are against the clock because the glue is welding the plastic I would love to hear.
  2. So here goes after a very very long time out of modelling... I took the advice for new members and i am starting with something small. I settled on this Russian brig because the tooling was new and reviews seemed positive. I have had a quick look at the sprues and the sculpting looks very sharp and the moulding likewise. I will report back on fit once it have made my way through the instructions to see how I am going to tackle this. The rules i have set myself are: 1. It's okay if the paint job is relatively simple, I need to get back into this. 2. Work as accurately as possible but get on with it, a little at a time. 3. Enjoy the process. Nick
  3. I would be most interested in Napoleonic sail with a very obvious and perhaps cliched target in mind...your advice has made me pause for some practice first!
  4. I have finally committed to myself to get building again after a substantial hiatus of 30 odd years and more recent dithering. What experience I have is in plastic and so that is where I think I will start again. Having read some very salutary advice in the pinned comments at the top on not biting off more than I can chew, can you folks recommend a well-tooled starter model or two I can use to blow away the forest of cobwebs! Looking forward to the voyage!
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