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Everything posted by minimini

  1. Hi All first thanks for the likes and all the feedback I got on this build. I do have and update on the starboard side, this is how she looks today and this is how the port side looked this morning but then I realized that Imade a big mistake on the port wall it sits 1 to 1.5 mm too low, but only in the middle about 8 cm on both sides of the ded fladt frem. so this is hou she look like now sometimes it feels like it's one step forward and two back Michael
  2. finished with the first two layers of paint on the starboard wall Michael
  3. Hi all I think it's time for a little update on the HDMS FREYA. the main wall on the starboard side is finished , but it took a few attempts before I it was done rigth. the first time I used the wrong wood ( boxwood not E-beech ) and it was the wrong size to. 6.5mm x 3mm and not the 7 x 3.2mm that I need. but it has now been corrected Michael
  4. Hi All so on to the main wale,decided to nail a strip of wood on the hull to get the run of the wale, next I will glue 2 out of the 3 rows of 7 x 3 mm on. I do the third one after I rebuilt a few of the gun port. Michael
  5. Hi All finished plankning the lower counter. I use 2mm x 3mm boxwood, next is the main wale, which will be made of 7mm x 3.2mm beech. and as I'm going to paint the wale , I will not do any Treenailing ther. Michael
  6. Hi All a few pic. of my wood, the first one is my E Beech and second one is my Boxwood all is from HobbyMill Michael
  7. Hi All the stern start getting its shape, next is to sand the wing transom and the top filling pieces and when I'm done with that , I think I will plank the lower counter. Michael
  8. Hi I have not make up my mind yet if I make a fully rigged model. I have this image of the battle between Freya and the 4 British frigates on july 25 1800. Michael
  9. Hi All Freya was similar to French frigates in hull form an proportions, having shallow hulls like French frigates,by that time, which made her leewardly in comparison to deeper hulled British frigates.She weigh slightly in excess of 1,000 tons burthen if you comparing Danish and british frigates one of the biggest differences is that Danish frigates only had 4 months stowage capacity for stores and provisions.most British-built frigates had 6 months stowage. she was armed with 26 18pdrs. and 14 6 pdrs.and she was 149 ft. long one her lower deck and 124 ft. on the keel.Depht in the hold was 10ft. 9ins. Druxey: yes you are right they are temporary they will be removed when I finish sanding the stern ( wing- transom ) hope it's something I've finished this week. Michael
  10. Hi all this will be my attempt to start a build log for my model of the 40 gun danish frigate FREYA as build in 1789 She was Designed by the Ernst Wilhelm Stibolt and was one of 4 frigate that he build between 1789 - 1795 most of her career under the Danish flag, she was used on convoy duty.and on july 25 1800 she was escort for a convoy of six merchant ships. when she was stopped by four English frigates in the English Channel. The captain opposed the referral of the convoy in compliance with its orders. Freya had with its 40 guns no chance against the English 130. and after 30 min. The captain chose to strike the flag but she was given back later that year.and on Sep. 7th 1807 she was Captured along with the rest of the Danish fleet Michael
  11. Hi Mark Just had a look at the plan for the 18-PDR Frigate LA VENUS scale 1/72 and ther the keel of the longboat rests 3.5 mm above the deck when sitting in the chocks. Michael
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