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Everything posted by alabama498

  1. PopJack Looking great so far. I would agree with Floyd on waiting to sand the hull until you plank up to the rail line. I was concerned about the scuppers until I did them and they add a lot to the look. I used a flat file from a testors needle file kit, it was the perfect width. I marked out the spacing of the frame members on a plank and then filed notches into the plank to a uniform depth, than after I finished planking up to where the top rail goes I glued the stanchions between the scuppers. If I didn't have such a hard time putting pictures on here I would take a picture and post it. Brad
  2. Looks good Tom you would never know you removed the transom and replaced it. Brad
  3. Good luck PopJack I am also working of the Bluenose its a beautiful schooner. I did the bounty launch a couple of years ago and found that most everything was was laser cut and just needed sanding and put together (well not really that easy). When I opened the bluenose box I found out that there aren't many parts that are laser cut (at last a challenge lol). I have spent almost 2 years on this build working a little bit at a time, She sits here in my family room so she calls to me everyday ( I work on her when I have the time). The rabbit gave me many sleepless nights trying to figure out how I would proceed trying to find the best way to do it and looking at about every build log on the site to get tips. Finally I transferred the lines with carbon paper and went at it. It was not as bad as I thought. Its funny how you can read the manual and look at the plans and always find something that you overlooked. I am just starting to do the deck planking and trying to figure out if I want to plank the quarter deck with the taper or straight like the foredeck. I have also started on the cabin and hey no laser cut pieces just wood and figuring out how to do it. Its a good thing I doent have much hair left but its also a great sense of accomplishment seeing something that you built from nothing. I wish you the best of luck with your bluenose and will be following your progress. The people on here are great and very helpful. Brad
  4. Tom Good job on the fix, here are a couple pix of my bounty launch. If there are some other things you want to look at just holler and I will take some more pix and try to get them on here. Brad
  5. Tom Once the stern seat is in you should not be able to see the word transom. On mine it was not noticeable. Good luck with the rest of the build it looks great so far Brad
  6. Thanks Floyd that is a interesting Idea. More to add to the think about list.
  7. A cradle is a good idea, that is what came with my bounty launch. Not sure that I have the woodworking tools that would be necessary for building a cradle and do it justice. I am very early in the build having completed the hull planking and will start on the deck planking soon (only a year and a half to get this far lol) so it is still early enough to drill holes for the pedestals, I will have to think about it. Floyd when you say some people put on a nut for the pedestals, where do they attach them, on the inside or the out side of the keel? My plan and its a big one is to set the bluenose under full sail (ambitious at this point in my skill set) so a drydock look would not fit. Thanks again for all the great help and info as it helps everyone. Brad
  8. Thank you very much Bob and Floyd for your responses. I have always been amazed at the knowledge that one csn find on this site. I was looking at another log the other day and found out that I should think about the mounting brackets for my bluenose before I get too far along. I never would have thought about that until much later. Im planning to use the pencilfor my caulking also. I have done some tests and like that method the best. Thanks again for the Iinput. Brad
  9. Hi Bob Im glad you were able to redo your log. I have been following it for over a year. Your Bluenose looks stunning. I have a question about your deck caulking if you can remember back that far. What did you use for the caulking? Marker or pencil? and one side or both sides of the plank. The caulking is noticeable but not too overpowering. I have been testing to find out what looks the best and I was curious what you did. Thanks for any knowledge you can share in advance. Brad
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