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About lesser160

  • Birthday 06/06/1943

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    The Villages, Florida
  • Interests
    Retired, Travel, Ship Building, Grand kids.

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  1. At 77 unfortunately I am an example of "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". My next build will be L'Orenoque by Mamoli. The kit has been wailing under my bed for about 6 years. I may bash the kit slightly to upgrade it. Alan
  2. My brother in law was also Allan. I find it pretty evenly mixed. Thanks again for sharing your incredibly vast knowledge and research.
  3. Hi Allan, Thank you for your much valued response. I apologize for my ignorance on nautical terms. I was never a sailor and this is only my third historical ship build.' I was referring to the lower mizzen cross jack. The plans do show the foreside braces anchored through a block attached to the main mast shrouds and then attached to cleats below. The photo on the box also shows a second set of braces from the cross jack tips running aft and secured to the aft belaying pins. This is the bracing not shown on the plans themselves. Without these aft braces, the cross jack is pulled away from the mast by the fore braces. This ship does not have either parrels or trusses on any yards that would hold them to the masts.
  4. Beware plans for rigging the Royal Caroline by Panart. Plan rigging sheets 4 and6 have a major omission. The lower mizzen yard must have a line from each yard tip running aft to an aft belaying pin. This is missing from the plans. Without these lines, the yard cannot be properly held in place. The line is not shown on the plans, but is shown on the box cover photo. Alan
  5. Thanks again. I need all the advice I can get. Alan
  6. Allan, Thank you very much for this information. Now that I know the proper method, I found the detail in "Rigging Period Ships" by Lennarth Petersson. Alan
  7. Instructions say to shape yards after standing rigging is finished. Parrals or truss would be standing rigging. There is no mention of the yards until you get to running rigging instructions.
  8. I am building Panart's Royal Caroline and I am up to the standing rigging and yards. Do the yards just hang freely from the masts by the running rigging or are they fastened to the masts. The pans show no clue. In my previous builds, the masts were fastened with parrells. There are none with this kit. Thank you Alan
  9. Thank you very much Dave. Alan
  10. I am building the Royal Caroline. Should ratlines extend up beyond the futtock stave and continue behind the shrouds? This is unclear from pictures and from the plans. Thank you for your responses. Alan
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