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About goforit

  • Birthday 12/02/1944

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    Morganton, NC

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  1. I didn't take any pictures of the planking build because it was my first planking job and it didn't go so well. Had a lot of trouble with the CA glue and clamping to false ribs. This is a post of what it looks like so far after doing a lot of sanding and some painting. I'll call this a SWB model. (stand-way-back and look.) HAHA My next project is the Midwest John Alden Sloop and I think I'll have a better chance of this model since I did about everything wrong on the Tender. Thanks for anyone that is looking at this. Richard
  2. Well, I found out how much I have never liked quick glue. I'll post a progress as soon as I get this mess cleaned up and sanded. I think the only time I am going to use CA glue again is when I need to quick attach something. I've all ways used the regular wood glue ( yellow stuff) and I thought I would use the CA on this one since the instructions said to use it. What a mess. It set up so fast, I couldn't get the planks adjusted right. I also don't like from past experiences how my fingers stuck to the wood. Working with it, it made me feel like I was in a time zone and trying to finish it as fast as I could instead of taking my time and making it look right and good. Sorry for the venting of this but it made me so aggrevated with the glue. It has made me appreciate what some people can do with CA glue but it is not for me. I have learned some on first time at planking and the knowledge will be used on the next one. Richard
  3. When I joined MSW, I decided to build something easy and small to get my feet wet in ships and boats. I had asked which one to start with and was given a suggestion of the Tender from Midwest. Well it finally got here today and I couldn't wait to get started. I can see that ships are not a whole lot different from airplanes as far as plan drawings go. I have scratched built many planes and am looking forward to ship building. There are a lot of words and terms I am not familiar with in ships but I'll learn. So here is the start of my kit. If anyone catches anything I am doing wrong, PLEASE TELL ME so I can learn and get things right. I am sure I'll have some questions when it gets to the planking part. Thanks Richard
  4. I like tug boats. I've never been on one or have seen one in person but I like them anyway. I was going to start one but I decided to start small since I am new to ship building. I'll watch this one since I know I'll be building one in the future. Richard
  5. Well, I thought I would work on something while my wood kits are being shipped and I saw this build. I like working with paper and this would be a good one to start. I think I'll start a build log and see how this turns out. I'll post something in the next few days to show. I need to find some stiff boards first. I printed both and I think I'll start the easier one first. Richard
  6. Thanks ALL I'll be sure to start a build log from opening the box. Photography is my life long hobby also, so I shouldn't have any problem with that. I've been reading the planking post and trying to understand what I am reading. I think after I get through the first one, I'll be OK and sure to learn a whole lot from the build. MSW seems to be a good helpful and friendly group. It's a whole lot better than some of the websites I belong to. Richard
  7. Well, I ordered a Midwest Whitehall Tender and a Sloop Sailboat to start with. Wish me luck. This is going to be fun. Richard
  8. Thanks Randy and Chuck I think the Midwest will be the way to go for now. I have plenty of time to work on one. It's just me and my cat here all day long. As far as tools Chuck, I have a good workroom setup with scroll saw, dremel sanders, and lots of clamps ( reworked cloths pins). I have a magnetic board set up that I can use for getting things straight and plumb. I'll order something today to get my feet wet. Thanks both for the advice. Richard
  9. I am new to ship building but have extensive experience with wood R/C airplanes. I have been building planes since the mid 60's and finally quit flying a couple years ago. In the last 20 years I scratched built most of what I was flying. Now, I have never built a ship and just don't know enough about kit makers and what is a good kit to start. I am going to assume that I need to start in the Entry level ones but just don't know. I don't want to start on one that is too complicated until I get my feet wet. Since I retired 3 years ago, my billfold has shrunk, so I can't put out a lot of money on one. I do have a good setup for model woodworking, so that is not a problem here. I know everyone has their own ideas on which one but like I said, I don't know enough about the mfgs. that are out there. I've been looking at the community build of the Longboat ( I think that is what it is called) but not sure if that would be something I could build with the experience I lack in ships. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Richard
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