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MT Hopper

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  • Interests
    Cargo Ships Model Railways Military Miniature Figures
    Bagpipes Choral Singing Paintings (Acrylic) Military History ( since one of my "tiddly" jobs was Squadron Historian)
    Dioramas Some slight interest in WWI Aircraft

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  1. Thanks Nils. Tried the link and ended up with a how to ballast my large model. Cheers from the Heart of the Continent Will
  2. Thanks for the idea. Serendipitously I have a 4' 8 1/2" Hog Islander 1:48 scale hull to plate AND some old (I think Offset) printing plates a mate gave me. Did you ever find the info? Cheers from the Heart of the Continent Will
  3. A finished product would be best as I need 8 to 10 of them and they are to go on a Hog Islander circa 1930 to 1940. Thanks, From the Heart of the Continent Will
  4. Can anyone direct me to a source for 1:48 scale cargo winches for a three islander steamship? Thanks Will
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