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  1. Dziadeczek's post in Proxxon DB250 3 Jaw Chuck was marked as the answer   
    Those numbers refer not only to the correct placements of the jaws in the chuck, but also the proper sequence of reassembling them. Start with jaw 1 by placing it in the chuck in the place marked as 1 and slowly turn the chuck until the jaw engages. Immediately after, place jaw 2 in its place marked as 2 and proceede with turning the chuck until jaw 2 engages (jaw 1 will in the meantime engage further on). Finish with jaw 3 in the same manner. Otherwise, all jaws will sit in the chuck incorrectly and too tight!
    At least, that's the situation with a chuck from the Sherline lathe.
    (I would spray WD 40 for the jaws and the chuck to loosen and remove grime in crevasses before reassembling them and then lubricating everything slightly).
  2. Dziadeczek's post in Instructions for rigging Cutty Sark was marked as the answer   
    1582675905_1485165543-bb564-cutty-sark-main-plan.pdf (modelexpo-online.com)
    1582675905_1551258603564-cutty-sark-vejl-040119.pdf (modelexpo-online.com)
  3. Dziadeczek's post in How to "unstick" this chuck from the mill spindle? was marked as the answer   
  4. Dziadeczek's post in Sander thickness The Hog was marked as the answer   
    I have the Vanda Lay thickness sander for more than 20 years now. It still works like when it was new, I only from time-to-time exchange sandpaper. Mine is attached to a handheld drill, instead of a separate motor.
  5. Dziadeczek's post in help building lifeboat for tugboat. was marked as the answer   
    I am not sure about your article, but I am building all three boats for my French 74 gun ship 1:48 (right now finishing the third one - a cutter), pretty closely following the advice in a chapter from the book on modeling by B. Frolich. They are all built on wooden plugs (carved from a soft basswood piece according to the profiles given and triple painted with polyurethane to make them smooth and shiny) and then mounting on them all individual ribs, the keel, sternpost and stem, and planking with individual planks. Meticulous work. I am making mine from cherry.
    Here is my second boat finished - a barge.   Post # 89.
    But, you have to have a small precise table saw to be able to precisely cut all pieces. I have an old PREAC.
  6. Dziadeczek's post in Furled sails was marked as the answer   
    This is how J. Boudriot shows furling up sails in French ships of XVIII c.
    Hope this helps.

  7. Dziadeczek's post in Jumbo sail "construction" detail question was marked as the answer   
    And this one is from Harland.

  8. Dziadeczek's post in Rigging a capstan was marked as the answer   
    Why did you enclose plans for the USS Constitution?
    This link   Ship Model Laboratory - Centre for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation - Texas A&M University (tamu.edu)  explain the whole process well, and even though it doesn't apply to the Wappen von Hamburg, but the principle is the same.
  9. Dziadeczek's post in Would like help identifying clamp and suggestions where I might buy some was marked as the answer   
    I once made a handful of such mini C clamps from a length of aluminium U channel, slicing it on my Preac saw into narrow sections, drilling holes and thread tapping them to match my screws. Mine have 1/2 inch throat size, but perhaps you could also find your size in a hardware store.
    These are not heavy duty, plenty of power to hold planks, though.

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