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Everything posted by tinyellie

  1. Andy your planking looks amazing. Can I ask how you did it as I'm struggling with mine. Im soaking my planks and then using nails in a board to dry them into the right shape. Yours look so immaculate in your pictures.
  2. With the planking of the hull, how do you know where and when to start tapering the planks?
  3. Hi Andy, Lookin good so far. I too am making the Victory Constructo so will follow your progress with interest as I get the feeling you will progress much faster than I will. It's my first build and learning as I go.
  4. Hull planking started. Any and all tips gratefully received!
  5. It's been a long time but back in a position where I can build again. Next stop - planking. This could be interesting lol.
  6. It looks as though you've pinned your hull planking while the glue sets but then removed the pins. The hull looks so smooth in the photos. What glue did you use? I'd be scared that it wouldn't hold without nailing it, but then I don't want the nails to show when I paint it.
  7. Hey I pretty much haven't touched her since then but I'm getting back into it now. But with only a few hours a week to spend on her it's going to take an awfully long time to finish. But then I bought it to be a long term hobby so I don't mind. Your woodwork is looking stunning so will look awesome unpainted. I've always wanted to paint mine and my wood skill isn't as good as yours so I'm expecting quite a bit of filling when I get to the hull planking stage. But you never know, I might surprise myself :-)
  8. That hull looks amazing. What type of varnish are you using? You're really doing a fantastic job!!
  9. Time to get back into it. Just wish I had more spare time to work on it.
  10. Your planking is looking lovely Paul. I'm probably going to go down the painting route too. Definitely for the black and yellow above the water line. Slightly undecided for below at the moment. I need to do some testing first to see how it looks.
  11. Ooh very glad you told me about the self combustion. I had no idea.
  12. Quick question...When finishing using Tung Oil is it best to paint before or after applying the oil? Am just concerned that the oil might make the paint run or affect it in some other way. I'll be using the water based Jotika Admiralty Paint Set for HMS Victory.
  13. Sorry, I meant that there are enough sides of steps provided to make 4 sets of steps. And it says quantity 4 in the list of parts in the manual.
  14. The link worked fine and I can see what you mean. Have you found that they give you plenty of spares? Says there are 4 sides to the steps but I can only find 3 sets of steps on the plans?
  15. Planked and finished with tung oil. Now awaiting delivery of paints.
  16. Hi Paul Have you started a build log? I'd love to see your progress as there aren't many of the Constructo kits on here and we may be able to help each other as we go along. What technique did you use to caulk your planks? When I sanded with #0000 steel wool I found it left residue in the nooks and crannies and seemed to similate it quite well.
  17. Thanks. I hadn't even thought about using general wood filler. Figured you would need to use special modeller stuff. Lol. Will take a trip down to Wilko or B&Q and have a look.
  18. I'm new to boat building and just starting on the planking. Before I do though I'd like to know how I'm going to proceed with it. The instructions say that at the bow I'll need to taper the planks and at the stern I'll need to fill in the gaps created. Tapering is no problem, but what kind of wood putty will be good to fill in the gaps? I'm not planning on painting the hull, just finishing it so need something wood coloured. The only thing my local model shop (Norfolk, uk) stocks is milliput, however the owners don't do model boats themselves so couldn't advise. Is milliput good stuff if I get the right colour?
  19. Slow progress. Waiting for oil to be delivered to coat the inner boards.
  20. Hi I've just started my first build and am looking for info on how to finish the wood. The outsides will be painted, however the inner hull planking will be seen but I like the colour of the wood used so I just want something that will protect the wood over time and prevent warping of the wood or peeling if the glue wears out. I'm thinking long term future here. I'm currently thinking tung oil as it seems quite popular but I would like some advice on the difference between oils and varnishes and the main pros and cons of each.
  21. I don't have a great deal of time to work on this so don't expect frequent updates. And what I do, I want to make sure I do well.
  22. Just what I was about to ask too. Sounds like half of my make up kit will double up as tools! lol. And the other half I can probably 'borrow' from work. Like the technical name 'sanding stick' aka nailfile. Lol.
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