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About JohnW

  • Birthday 12/18/1955

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    Farnborough, England

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  1. Thanks guys - some useful tips there. With the look of the weather today gardening is going to be out so more second planking! I'll post some more pictures later as well.
  2. Latest progress and problem! I've been able to second plank the stern and made a start on the hull. The instructions suggest starting the second planking at the bulwarks and working down. I started that but at the third row down ran into a problem. From that point downwards I can't use any of my pegs and clamps to hold the second planks in place. I did try rubber bands around the hull which worked reasonably well until I realised that they were also crushing the bulwarks. For now I've decided to plank upwards and strengthen the bulwarks but the issue remains. I've tried using CA glue on the lower planks but that just seems to soak into the wood without sticking. I've also tried pins through the first planking and pressing against the second but that didn't seem to hold the walnut really tightly in place. As a result I've had to strip off a couple of rows with massive gaps. So a question for the more experienced builders. What do you use to hold the second planks in place while the glue dries if there is no means of clamping? Any help on this would be really appreciated. Thanks
  3. After getting the starboard bulwarks looking right I've now completed the port side. Had to tear off the top plank at the rear port side and start again as it just didn't look right but I think I've got there now. Good job Jotika provide some spares! Filling and sanding of the entire first planking is now complete and I'm hoping to start on the second planking later today.
  4. Some more progress. After struggling to get my head around the stern area I decided to fit the stern counter. This gave me a better idea of where the planking needs to fit in that area. Some success in tidying that area up now. I then needed to look at the bulwarks. The instructions are very vague but careful study of the plans showed where there needed to be some shaping. The removable parts of the bulkheads also provided some clues. I've just tackled the starboard side as I wanted to make sure that it worked as planned before committing myself on both sides. Seems to look OK. Obviously more filling to do.
  5. Haven't been to Chatham for years - must add it to the list. Being Portsmouth born and living still in Hampshire I tend to head for the Historic Dockyard when I need an old ship fix!
  6. Hi Tony Keep meaning to go up to the NMM and get some photos. Sounds like it could be interesting. I did trial fit the parts that fit behind the door so they should be OK. I've just taken the momentous (for me) decision to remove the first row of planks and redo with the extra bends around the stern. Hopefully the hairdrying and a good helping of patience should help get the double bend in place.
  7. While I have some filler setting on the lower hull I've had a look at what's needed to first plank the bulwarks. The instructions are very clear that the bulkhead fascia needs to be fixed in place before extending the first planking upwards. A trial fit of the fascia with it resting on the lower deck shows that it will also be flush with the upper deck. Which in turn means that the upper deck planks will overhang. Not too happy about that so I have placed a short length of deck planking below the fascia before gluing it on. This should not only ensure that the upper deck planking is mounted up against the fascia but will also allow the lower deck planking to slide underneath which should give a better finish. My goodness those close ups really show where more sanding is needed!!
  8. That may be the answer mij - I might just be too impatient to make progress!
  9. Thanks guys Although I gave the planks a thorough soaking I was struggling to get them to bend in 2 directions at once. I hadn't thought of artificially drying them around a former off the model. I'll give that a try (probably the hair dryer method as I have a house full of women!). Cheers John
  10. Just had a look at the German site. Looks like he also couldn't get that top plank to go where the plans say. Makes me feel a bit better!
  11. Thanks mij and BE Tony - accordingly to the instructions the top plank should curve round to the gallery a bit like the black lines in the attached. I couldn't get it to bend that far. Thanks for the links I'll take a look - there may be some answers there. I don't think my problem is insurmountable though.
  12. It's been a while since I posted any progress, mainly because I managed to break every drill bit that I had that was suitable for making pilot holes for my map pins. new bits have arrived so I've managed to get stuck into the first planking. Couple of issues have come up. The bevelling of my bulkheads wasn't as good as I thought, especially bulkhead 3. I think I can rescue that with a bit of sanding and filling but a lesson learnt for the future. The other problem I have brewing is at the stern. The first row of planking was supposed to be in line with the main deck and also catch the stern gallery. I couldn't get it to do both without seriously forcing it. In the end I went with the natural curve and will now have to sort out the stern. Not sure yet whether to fit a small block and then fit the first planks over it or to fit a slightly larger block that would be flush with the first planking and so avoid the problem. As you can see I've started sanding the lower hull - some of it looked a bit clinker built - and will need to finish that off along with a bit of filling. Next up is the remainder of the first planking that forms the bulwarks. I'm planning to cut around the removable supports with a razor saw to weaken them just enough to make breaking them off easy. there is a lack of guidance as to what to do with these planks at the bow so I'll need to have a bit of a think there.
  13. Hi Bindy Thanks for the cheering along! Not sure there'll be much to steal except perhaps how not to do things but we'll see. Busy planking at the moment (I know - I should be out in the garden on such a lovely afternoon) so hopefully some pics of progress soon.
  14. To be honest I'm in two minds. I can see benefit in blocking in the lower hull and might give that a go.
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