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Everything posted by redeye

  1. Truly inspirational! I've followed this log for a while and it just gets better and better. Thanks for all the great tips and techniques you've shared.
  2. It's been a while since the last post as renovations have been taking priority. However I have managed to get the odd hour in here and there - now it's no longer dark when I get home the opportunities are increasing! I've managed to finish up some more deck furniture, as well as bitts and ladders for the foc'sle. I have all the belaying racks made and was thinking about fitting them when I realised I should probably get the masts at least dry-fitted before cluttering the deck up. There are also a couple of bitts under the foc'sle to hold the bowsprit that I won't be able to get at if I add any more stuff. So I've made up the bowsprit and dry-fitted it. Most of the bitts on the foc'sle are also done and in place. I keep the model ion top of a bookcase where our cats can't reach it, but there is no headroom for the masts, so I'll have to find a new location. I also need to make up some kind of temporary case or cover to keep the dust off. I cleaned it pretty good last week but that middle photo above shows all the dust under the Qdeck - I see why people say photos are a great check on your work.
  3. Generated a small amount of sawdust and the windlass is now complete. I'll put some finish on it later before it goes in place on the deck. The kit was cheap on the interlocking parts for the gratings so I am having to make some of my own. I don't have a table saw but a square and the razor saw seems to be working fine.
  4. Thanks Brian and Rowan. Today I managed to get in a couple of hours and made the pawl bitt and pawl for the windlass. The pawl isn't included in the kit so I had to refer to Goodwin for some details. Unfortunately the picture I took has the cutting board in focus and not the interesting part - doh! Hopefully next weekend I will have a pic of the finished windlass. But now I need to make some parts for gratings so time for a search of tips from here.
  5. I've managed to make some progress on the windlass. This is version 1.0 I wasn't happy with the way the holes for the spikes turned out - my drill press leaves a lot to be desired. The box artwork shows a more detailed version, but the extras are not included in the kit. So the next problem was how to produce something more like the picture. My first attempt was to glue strips of construction aper around a dowel, and then try and cut out the square sockets. The paper tended to tear off around the holes and it was difficult to get sharp corners. The construction paper also tended to get fluffy. For the next attempt I glued strips of wood along the dowel, and then cut off slices the correct thickness. Finally I cut smaller bits of strip to fill in the edges. The last step was some black paint. I also found the windlass was too wide, so the barrels were adjusted to the correct length. Here is the final assembly. Not perfect but much better than before. Next step is to even out the height of the sides before adding the belfry.
  6. Thanks Anthony, dragzz, and JesseLee - it will get finished, just a question of when... The dark wood is Sapelly, the deck planking is Mukaly, and the light wood is Samba. The Sapelly is the hardest, and is good for joinery. The Samba seems similar to boxwood and needs sharp tools to cut without crushing. I like the contrast it gives.
  7. By way of introduction... I bought and started this kit almost 15 years ago as a change from my usual plastic kits and conversions, thinking it would be an interesting challenge. I was not disappointed! The hull is POB construction, and I think it falls in the ‘intermediate’ level of Constructo kits. Progress has been slow as, like many here, time at the workbench is low down on the priority list. There have been long spells where it has sat carefully wrapped away due to lack of space or time. The hull and the rest of the kit have also survived six house moves, including a change of continent. I discovered this site a couple of years ago, and have been gleaning useful tips along the way, as well as inspiration from the many skilled craftsman here. I have been pondering whether to do a build log for some time, partly because I am so far along, but mainly because I get so little time to spend on it. But finally I have decided to take the plunge as it may help in maintaining my progress, and now this kit is discontinued there may not be any build logs of it in the future. Here is some box art for reference.
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