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Observations and instructions for the use of the commissioned, the junior, and other officers of the Royal Navy 1804

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A Captain in the Royal Navy. 1804. Observations and Instructions for the Use of the Commissioned, the Junior, and Other Officers of the Royal Navy, on All the Material Points of Professional Duty: Including Also, Forms of General and Particular Orders for the Better Government and Discipline of His Majesty’s ships..With an Appendix ; Being a Complete Set of Forms for Watch, Station, and Quarter Bills for Ships of War. Printed for P. Steel. http://books.google.com/books?id=eVwMAQAAMAAJ.


A very interesting document.  Here is the TOC:






I found this next piece quite enlightening - the stations for the men during mooring or unmooring.  Note the number on the capstan bars for a 44 gun ship!




Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.

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